Gene prediction is the process of finding which regions of genomic DNA encodes genes and non-coding RNA.This pipeline is meant to predict coding and non-coding regions in assembled contigs of a bacterial genome. Tool and paramter selection is carried out to ensure best performance for de-novo assembled Listeria monocytogenes genomes.
This pipeline uses as conda based environment to ensure you have the appropriate dependencies. We recommend that you download and install Miniconda from
Example installation for Miniconda on Linux:
Next, clone the repository into your local system:
git clone
Create and activate a conda environment using the yml file provided in our lib folder:
#Create environment after downloading yml file
conda-env create -f lib/gp_env.yml -n myenv
source activate myenv
From within the hmmer-2.2 folder in lib, compile binaries for hmmer-2.2 (dependency for rnammer which is part of our pipeline):
cd hmmer-2.2
make install
Export path to 'lib' to path variable (lib contains precompiled binaries for GenemarkS-2, Glimmer, RNAmmer which are part of the pipeline)
export PATH=$PATH:<path to lib>
To run our pipeline with sample data provided in our repository (check sample_input folder)
./ -i sample_input -o sample_output
For each input genome, the list of generated outputs is as follows:
- gff file containing the coordinates for the coding sequences
- fna file for coding nucleotide sequences
- faa file for coded protein sequences
- fna file for RNA predictions