React portfolio piece with NodeJs express API with mongoDB database. Requires TVDB API key for movie data.
place database_url in server/.env file
add a TMDB API key in your account once you have one created and the app will use the TMDB api. The correct API key to get is "API Read Access Token"
This site requires TMDB api key to function properly. To circumvent getting your own key, use this test account {user: test, password: test}
- Make Search Bar separate for when on WatchList page
- add sort and filter options
- add pagination to watch list
- make movie poster images clickable
- make watch list entries editable in the card without needing a separate page
- quick add to watch list button should not display when movie is already on watch list
- add something to indicate movie is already on Watchlist
- remove from watchlist button on movie page
- later when testing is no longer needed a single button with an icon is all thats needed for this like with watchlisting in plex
- remove from watchlist button on movie page
- add something to indicate movie is already on Watchlist
- add genre data and other data for movies
- add Completed WatchList with ratings
- add mark as watched to movie pages with a rating option to mark a movie as watched