Slightly adjusted njmon for easier Informatica process monitoring using InfluxDB and Grafana
- Informatica uses many java and pmdtm/pmdtmsvc2 processes. For ease of monitoring it was better to not mark each process with its own identifier, eg. java_16736 and pmdtmsvc2_3552, but remove the Pid. It is then easier to write your query in InfluxDB or graphing the results in Grafana as you don't need additional processing in InfluxDB to get all java processes or all Informatica processes in one single result set.
- Modified so it is now based on Linux terminology
- Removed all AIX specifics
- Added Informatica graphs for java and pmdtm/pmdtmsv2 processes
- Added panel for current CPU, Memory, Disk I/O
The original njmon source code is maintained by Nigel Griffiths on
- The code provided in this repository falls under the MIT license, check for more info
- Check for license info about njmon
- InfluxDB is open source and licensed under the MIT license, check for more info
- Grafana is open source and licensed under the Apache License 2.0, check for more info