Contract Address: 0x003343f128839fe6253Ab3E15265aA60E8114DeF
Details: here
giveRight [--network] [--name] [--voter] [--path]
network: network alias from
name: custom contract name for
. We inputBallot2
here for our improved version. default: Ballot -
voter: list of addresses. e.g.
$ npx hardhat giveRight --network sepolia $RANDOM_ADDRESS1 $RANDOM_ADDRESS2
path: file path of JSON file.
npx hardhat giveRight --network sepolia --name Ballot2 --path constants/address.json
vote --contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --signer <SIGNER> --proposal <PROPOSAL_ID>
votingStatus --contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
winning-proposal --contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
demo of all scripts: here
All improvement will be implemented at Ballot2.sol
Details: here