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Releases: continuouspipe/remote-environment-client

Release version 0.1.5 for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

17 May 11:05
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New Features

  • Updated bash and exec commands. When used with --interactive and nothing else, it will interactively allow the user to choose the project, flow, environment and pod.

  • Updated bash and exec commands. If the execution interrupts due to the pod being moved it will show an explanatory message.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for watch on Linux. It was taking excessively long to add the directory watches compared to the Mac client due to differences in filesystem handling.

Other Changes

  • We now send operational metrics to detect and diagnose application errors along with analytics information that will help to improve the tool. For now this metrics affect only the commands destroy, build, bash and exec.

  • For the commands destroy, build, bash and exec we are now giving user friendly error messages that aim to explain what has happened, why it has happened, what can be done to resolve, and a session id that can be used to contact support.

Release version 0.1.4 for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

04 May 09:22
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New Features

  • Added delete command, check the available flags using cp-remote delete --help.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for default service not being applied

  • Fix for filtering pod by running status

Release version 0.1.3 for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

04 May 09:19
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New Features

  • Update to the watch command - added rsync pattern matching emulation to to limit the excessive amount of times rsync was called. It handles / (anchoring), *, **, + and -. Any other rsync pattern rules is still valid but will be handled directly by rsync.

  • Update to the init command - the token is persisted in the local configuration file which allows to execute destroy and init to a later stage without having to re-insert the init token

  • Update to the bash and exec commands - the TERM environment variable will be set on the remote pod shell

  • Update to the pods command it will now display the namespace, name, ready, status, restart, age, ip address and cluster node

Bug Fixes

  • Fix on the windows version - CRLF was not parsed correctly and when the user was asked a question tha answer would have been always invalid

  • Fix in build command - once the build was completed the value of init-status was not being set to "completed"

  • Fix in init command - --remote-name flag value was not being saved in the config and therefore was always defaulting to origin

  • Fix in the logic that determines the target pod - it was not filtering by Status Running

Other Changes

  • checkupdates, ckup will now fetch updates from an aws s3 bucket which gives faster download speed

Release version 0.1.2 for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

30 Mar 12:35
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New Features

  • Added logs command, check the available flags using cp-remote logs --help.

  • Added --dry-run flag for watch, fetch and sync.

  • Added --rsync-verbose flag in watch, fetch and push to help troubleshooting potential issues with ignore files.

  • Allowing user to create a .cp-remote-ignore-fetch which will be included only when doing fetch. It allows the default .cp-remote-ignore file to be overridden.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix in init command - when an entire build is skipped due to filters the tide will now exit with an error instead of reporting sucess.

  • Fix in init command - when a tide failed the process was hanging rather than exiting.

Other Changes

  • More descriptive error messages when the ContinuousPipe API does not respond or it fails to return the data.

  • Printing version number at the top of the cp-remote log file.

  • watch and sync commands won't delete files unless the flag --delete is set.

Release version 0.1.1 for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

28 Mar 12:16
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New Features

  • Added --interactive [-i] flag to the bash, exec and init commands

  • The list of the public endpoints in shown in the commands watch [-wa], checkconnection [-ck] and pods [-po]

Bug Fixes

  • Fix in build comand - it was not pushing to remote when remote already existed.

  • Fix in init command - if an error occurs when git pushes to remote the init process will immediately terminate with an error.

  • Fix in exec command - it will now stream the output of the commands. This fix will allow an alternative shell to be used if bash does not exist in the remote container by running cp-remote exec -- /bin/sh

  • Fix in .cp-remote-ignore - rsync uses its own pattern implementation rather than regex so we have replaced /\.[^/]*$ with .*, \.idea with .idea and \.git with .git. For more information about the rsync patterns refer to the section INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES in the rsync manual (man rsync)

Other Changes

  • Showing all public endpoints after init has built the environment

Release version 0.1.0 (go binary) for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

13 Mar 15:29
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New Features

  • Added init command which initialises a remote environment using a token generated by the Continuous Pipe UI. If the initialization process is interrupted and restarted by default it will continue where it left, but you can use --reset to force it to start from the beginning.

  • Added push (aka sync) command which will sync files and folders to the remote container.

  • Added pods (aka checkconnection) command which lists the pods available for the environment.

  • In order to keep the cluster credentials secret, all communications to the cluster will go through the cp kubernetes proxy by default. You can still use a direct communication by editing the .cp-remote-setting and adding the cluster credentials.

  • Allowing to override the remote path with --remote-project-path.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the URL used in the update command as was pointing the wrong URL as it stopped working once the repository was made private.

  • Fixed an issue that some user where experiencing when running the destroy and build commands in rapid succession.

  • Fixed an issue where rsync was not deleting individual folder because its contained file where excluded.

  • Fixed an issue where the full path to the logs folder (rather than the name of the folder only) was being added to the .gitignore.

Other Changes

  • The config has been split in 2, local and global. The global config is stored in the home directory ~/.cp-remote/config.yml (on linux/osx) C:\Users\{YourUserName}\.cp-remote\config.yml (on windows) contains username, api-key and the urls for cp-kube-proxy and cp-authenticator cp-river-api.

  • Local config has changed: .cp-remote-env-settings.yml to .cp-remote-settings.yml.

  • Replaced the flags --project-key and --branch-name with a single --environment flag as the 2 flags where always used as a pair to form the environment.

Release version 0.0.1 (go binary) for darwin, linux, windows (amd64 and 386)

10 Feb 11:21
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