The hardware design for this project can be found here:
It's based on Grant Saerls original design, but is slightly expanded to allow more 16k ROM images to be used. I have also created the ROMS ready to use. And of course the biggest difference is it's on a PCB!
(I do list some on Ebay)
I also have a small PCB to adapt the on board 128k/256k EPROM to a 512k Eprom that allows you to have:
Apple 1 software mode
Enhanced Basic
Original OSI Basic.
(details of the board to follow)
These are few BASIC programs and other reference documents for the 6502 BASIC computer, the programs are text, you can upload them by cut-n-past.
Depending of your board etc, you may need to set a character delay of end of line delay in your terminal software.
The EnhancedBasic Folder holds a compiled ROM for version 2.22 of Enhanced BASIC language reference By Lee Davison. This was obtained from the wayback machine, I can only find other peoples version of this. Not 100% sure of the copyright, as far as I can see it's open source.
Have fun