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corey-hammerton committed Dec 28, 2017
2 parents e2d5c81 + 5ba9df8 commit 56b724a
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Showing 6 changed files with 190 additions and 35 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@

## [0.2.0]

- Adding support for Packetbeat 6.0
-- Removing unsupported sniffer type `pf_ring` from available `sniff_type` options
-- Adding new parameter `major_version` to allow installation of 6.x packages from vendor
-- Adding new optional parameter `queue` to configure internal queue settings
- Parameter `queue_size` is only applicable if `major_version` is '5'

## [0.1.1](

- Fixing configuration file validation
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25 changes: 21 additions & 4 deletions
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[Network device configuation]( and [logging]( can be configured the same way. Please review the documentation of the [elastic website](

### Upgrading to 6.0

Version 0.2.0 of this module supports Packetbeat 6.0. Please review the [Packetbeat Changelog](
for a full list of software changes and the Module Changelog for a list of module updates.

To upgrade existing installations:

major_version => '6',
package_ensure => 'latest',

### Processors

Libbeat 5.0 and later include a feature for filtering/enhancing exported data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,14 +192,18 @@ Installs and configures packetbeat.
- `logging`: [Hash] Defines packetbeat's logging configuration, if not explicitly
configured all logging output is forwarded to syslog on Linux nodes and file
output on Windows. See the [docs]( for all available options.
- `major_version`: [Enum] The major version of Packetbeat to install. Valid values
are '5' and '6'. (default: '5')
- `manage_repo`: [Boolean] When false does not install the upstream repository
to the node's package manager. (default: true)
- `package_ensure`: [String] The desired state of the Package resources. Only
applicable if `ensure` is 'present'. (default: 'present')
- `processors`: [Array[Hash]] Add processors to the configuration to run on data
before sending to the output. (default: undef)
- `queue`: [Hash] Configure the internal queue in packetbeat before being consumed
by the output(s).
- `queue_size`: [Integer] The queue size for single events in the processing
pipeline. (default: 1000)
pipeline. This is only applicable if `major_version` is '5'. (default: 1000)
- `service_ensure`: [String] Determine the state of the packet beat service. Must
be one of 'enabled', 'disabled', 'running', 'unmanaged'. (default: enabled)
- `service_has_restart`: [Boolean] When true the Service resource issues the
Expand All @@ -193,9 +212,7 @@ Installs and configures packetbeat.
environments can accept the default, on a physical interface the optimal value
is the MTU size. (default: 65535)
- `sniff_type`: [String] Configure the sniffer type, packet beat only supports
'pcap', 'af_packet' (Linux only, faster than 'pcap') and 'pf_ring' (Requires
a kernel module and a re-compilation of Packetbeat, not supported by Elastic).
(default: 'pcap')
'pcap', and 'af_packet' (Linux only, faster than 'pcap') (default: 'pcap')
- `tags`: [Array] Optional list of tags to help group different logical properties
easily. (default: undef)
- `with_vlans`: [Boolean] If traffic contains VLAN tags all traffic is offset by
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69 changes: 48 additions & 21 deletions manifests/config.pp
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true => undef,
default => '/usr/share/packetbeat/bin/packetbeat -N -configtest -c %',
$packetbeat_config = delete_undef_values({
'name' => $packetbeat::beat_name,
'fields' => $packetbeat::fields,
'fields_under_root' => $packetbeat::fields_under_root,
'logging' => $packetbeat::logging,
'queue_size' => $packetbeat::queue_size,
'tags' => $packetbeat::tags,
'processors' => $packetbeat::processors,
'packetbeat' => {
'interfaces' => {
'device' => $packetbeat::device,
'snaplen' => $packetbeat::snaplen,
'type' => $packetbeat::sniff_type,
if $packetbeat::major_version == '5' {
$packetbeat_config = delete_undef_values({
'name' => $packetbeat::beat_name,
'fields' => $packetbeat::fields,
'fields_under_root' => $packetbeat::fields_under_root,
'logging' => $packetbeat::logging,
'tags' => $packetbeat::tags,
'processors' => $packetbeat::processors,
'packetbeat' => {
'interfaces' => {
'device' => $packetbeat::device,
'snaplen' => $packetbeat::snaplen,
'type' => $packetbeat::sniff_type,
'flows' => {
'enabled' => $packetbeat::flow_enable,
'period' => $packetbeat::flow_period,
'timeout' => $packetbeat::flow_timeout,
'protocols' => $packetbeat::protocols,
'queue_size' => $packetbeat::queue_size,
'flows' => {
'enabled' => $packetbeat::flow_enable,
'period' => $packetbeat::flow_period,
'timeout' => $packetbeat::flow_timeout,
'output' => $packetbeat::outputs,
else {
$packetbeat_config = delete_undef_values({
'name' => $packetbeat::beat_name,
'fields' => $packetbeat::fields,
'fields_under_root' => $packetbeat::fields_under_root,
'logging' => $packetbeat::logging,
'tags' => $packetbeat::tags,
'processors' => $packetbeat::processors,
'packetbeat' => {
'interfaces' => {
'device' => $packetbeat::device,
'snaplen' => $packetbeat::snaplen,
'type' => $packetbeat::sniff_type,
'flows' => {
'enabled' => $packetbeat::flow_enable,
'period' => $packetbeat::flow_period,
'timeout' => $packetbeat::flow_timeout,
'protocols' => $packetbeat::protocols,
'queue' => $packetbeat::queue,
'protocols' => $packetbeat::protocols,
'output' => $packetbeat::outputs,
'output' => $packetbeat::outputs,

if $packetbeat::sniff_type == 'af_packet' {
$af_packet_config = delete_undef_values({
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26 changes: 23 additions & 3 deletions manifests/init.pp
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# [Hash] The configuration section of `packetbeat.yml` for configuring the
# logging output.
# * `major_version`
# [Enum] The major version of Packetbeat to install from vendor repositories.
# Valid values are '5' and '6'. (default: '5')
# * `manage_repo`
# [Boolean] Weather the upstream (elastic) repo should be configured or
# not. (default: true)
Expand All @@ -79,9 +83,15 @@
# enhancing or additional decoding of data before being sent to the
# output.
# * 'queue`
# [Hash] Configure the internal queue before being consumed by the
# output(s) in bulk transactions. As of 6.0 only a memory queue is
# available, all settings must be configured by example: { 'mem' => {...}}.
# * `queue_size`
# [Number] The internal queue size for single events in the processing
# pipeline. (default: 1000)
# pipeline. This is only applicable if $major_version is '5'.
# (default: 1000)
# * `service_ensure`
# [String] The desired state of the packetbeat service. Must be one of
Expand All @@ -97,7 +107,7 @@
# * `sniff_type`
# [String] The sniffer type to use. Packet only has support for pcap,
# af_packet and pf_ring. (default: 'pcap')
# and af_packet. (default: 'pcap')
# * `tags`
# Optional[Array] A list of values to include in the `tags` field in each published
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'rotateeverybytes' => 10485760,
Enum['5', '6'] $major_version = '5',
Boolean $manage_repo = true,
String $package_ensure = 'present',
Optional[Array[Hash]] $processors = undef,
Hash $queue = {
'mem' => {
'events' => 4096,
'flush' => {
'min_events' => 0,
'timeout' => '0s',
Integer $queue_size = 1000,
Enum['enabled', 'disabled', 'running', 'unmanaged'] $service_ensure = 'enabled',
Boolean $service_has_restart = true,
Integer $snaplen = 65535,
Enum['pcap', 'af_packet', 'pf_ring'] $sniff_type = 'pcap',
Enum['pcap', 'af_packet'] $sniff_type = 'pcap',
Optional[Array[String]] $tags = undef,
Optional[Boolean] $with_vlans = undef,
) {
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21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions manifests/repo.pp
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'Debian': {
include ::apt

$download_url = $packetbeat::major_version ? {
'6' => '',
'5' => '',

if !defined(Apt::Source['beats']) {
location => '',
location => $download_url,
release => 'stable',
repos => 'main',
key => {
Expand All @@ -22,25 +27,35 @@
'Redhat': {
$download_url = $packetbeat::major_version ? {
'6' => '',
'5' => '',

if !defined(Yumrepo['beats']) {
descr => 'Elastic repository for 5.x packages',
baseurl => '',
baseurl => $download_url,
gpgcheck => 1,
gpgkey => '',
enabled => 1,
'SuSe': {
$download_url = $packetbeat::major_version ? {
'6' => '',
'5' => '',

exec { 'topbeat_suse_import_gpg':
command => '/usr/bin/rpmkeys --import',
unless => '/usr/bin/test $(rpm -qa gpg-pubkey | grep -i "D88E42B4" | wc -l) -eq 1 ',
notify => [ Zypprepo['beats'] ],
if !defined (Zypprepo['beats']) {
baseurl => '',
baseurl => $download_url,
enabled => 1,
autorefresh => 1,
name => 'beats',
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76 changes: 72 additions & 4 deletions spec/classes/packetbeat_spec.rb
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describe 'with major_version = 6' do
let(:params) { { 'major_version' => '6' } }

case os_facts[:osfamily]
when 'RedHat'
it do contain_yumrepo('beats').with(
baseurl: '',
enabled: 1,
gpgcheck: 1,
gpgkey: '',
when 'Debian'
it { contain_class('apt') }

it do contain_apt__source('beats').with(
location: '',
release: 'stable',
repos: 'main',
key: {
'id' => '46095ACC8548582C1A2699A9D27D666CD88E42B4',
'source' => '',
when 'SuSe'
it do contain_zypprepo('beats').with(
baseurl: '',
autorefresh: 1,
enabled: 1,
gpgcheck: 1,
gpgkey: '',
name: 'beats',
type: 'yum',

describe 'with major_version = idontknow' do
let(:params) { { 'major_version' => 'idontknow' } }

it { is_expected.not_to compile }

describe 'packetbeat::service' do
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context 'with path_conf param' do
let(:params) { { 'path_conf' => '/etc/packetbeat' } }

it { raise_error(Puppet::Error) }
it { is_expected.not_to compile }

context 'with path_data param' do
let(:params) { { 'path_data' => '/var/lib/packetbeat' } }

it { raise_error(Puppet::Error) }
it { is_expected.not_to compile }

context 'with path_home param' do
let(:params) { { 'path_home' => '/usr/share/packetbeat' } }

it { raise_error(Puppet::Error) }
it { is_expected.not_to compile }

context 'with path_logs param' do
let(:params) { { 'path_logs' => '/var/lgs/packetbeat' } }

it { raise_error(Puppet::Error) }
it { is_expected.not_to compile }

context 'with sniff_type = pf_ring' do
let :params do
outputs: {
'elasticsearch' => {
'hosts' => ['http://localhost:9200'],
protocols: {
'icmp' => {
'enabled' => true,
sniff_type: 'pf_ring',

it { is_expected.not_to compile }
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