- Code daily
- Expand my portfolio
- Develop Projects
- Flask Mini Blog App
- A Coffee Blog app
Studying Flask for Backend Web Development
- Installing and Configuring Flask environmental variables
- Working with Jinja Templates and routes
Studying Flask for Backend Web Development
- Installed WTForms
- Created Login and Regsiter Forms via WTForms
- Ensured error check logics on login and registration forms
- Updated Nav links using url_for()
- Studied on Databases for Flask
- Understand the concept of a one to many relationship
- Understand the concept of a one to one relationship
- Understand the concept of a many to many relationship
- Installed flask sqlalchemy and initiated a database connection
- Created a User model
- Created Post model and established a one-to-many relationship with the User model
- Transitioned the application structure from modules to package structure
I skipped 2 days, due to factors beyond my control. But, i am back and making progress.
- Processed User registration authentication logic
- Processed password security via flask bcrypt hashing tool
- Wrote the logic for user registration validation error for already existing data in database
- Committed registration data to database
- Wrote the login logic using flask-login extension
- Changed values of the nav menu to reflect changes in user session
- Created an account route for the current user session
- Updated the login route to redirect user to restricted pages after login
- Created the logout functionality
- Completed user authentication logic for this web app
- Wrote the complete logic for user profile
- Added feature to upload profile picture and change account details
- Implemented Pillow package to scale down file size for improved web app performance
- Performed CRUD operation for user post
- Wrote the application logic for updating, deleting and view posts.
- Added pagination feature to blog posts
- Created individual user post view
- Completely implemented the post feature of the web application
- Completed my flask mini blog app.
- Created a new branch blog_app for blog_app developement
- Downloaded and cleaned an html template from w3schools
- Set up application structure, buleprints for app component in blog_app
- Set up routes, registration and log in form for the blog posts
- Installed flask wtforms
- Created blog database
- Handled form errors for registration and login page
- Fixed Circula import issue in blueprints
- Handle user registration logic from and to database
- Fully implemented the authorization feature of the webapp
- Fully implemented the user profile logic
- Implemened the write post wysiwyg feature via summer note
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Reversed wysiwyg feature via summer note due to conflict in sending post images to routes, could be probably fixed in a later version.
- Created a new post form that accepts only png, jpeg and jpg as file extensions
- Wrote the logic to publish posts and post image
- Update the database to fix sqlalchemy integrity error due to inappropriate table relationship between posts and comment.
======= I am not journaling an entry for day 13, no feature has been implemented yet. I am still finding it difficult to implement the post page logic with summernote