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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 29, 2024. It is now read-only.


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While this repository has been inactive for some time, this formal notice, issued on December 10, 2024, serves as the official declaration to clarify the situation. Consequently, this repository and all associated resources (including related projects, code, documentation, and distributed packages such as Docker images, PyPI packages, etc.) are now explicitly declared unmaintained and abandoned.

I would like to remind everyone that this project’s free license has always been based on the principle that the software is provided "AS-IS", without any warranty or expectation of liability or maintenance from the maintainer. As such, it is used solely at the user's own risk, with no warranty or liability from the maintainer, including but not limited to any damages arising from its use.

Due to the enactment of the Cyber Resilience Act (EU Regulation 2024/2847), which significantly alters the regulatory framework, including penalties of up to €15M, combined with its demands for unpaid and indefinite liability, it has become untenable for me to continue maintaining all my Open Source Projects as a natural person. The new regulations impose personal liability risks and create an unacceptable burden, regardless of my personal situation now or in the future, particularly when the work is done voluntarily and without compensation.

No further technical support, updates (including security patches), or maintenance, of any kind, will be provided.

These resources may remain online, but solely for public archiving, documentation, and educational purposes.

Users are strongly advised not to use these resources in any active or production-related projects, and to seek alternative solutions that comply with the new legal requirements (EU CRA).

Using these resources outside of these contexts is strictly prohibited and is done at your own risk.

Regarding the potential transfer of the project to another entity, discussions are ongoing, but no final decision has been made yet. As a last resort, if the project and its associated resources are not transferred, I may begin removing any published resources related to this project (e.g., from PyPI, Docker Hub, GitHub, etc.) starting March 15, 2025, especially if the CRA’s risks remain disproportionate.


  • build: docker.sshd

  • Minimal Alpine Linux Docker image with sshd exposed and rsync installed. integration with:

    • logging (rsyslog)
    • logrotate logs
    • fail2ban

Mount your .ssh credentials (RSA public keys) at /root/.ssh/ in order to access the container via root ssh or mount each user's key in /etc/authorized_keys/<username> and set SSH_USERS config to create user accounts (see below).

  • Optionally mount as a custom sshd config at /etc/ssh/
    You can override in the compose setup the template location via the SSHD_CONFIG env var.

  • By default the image is in SFTP only mode.

  • User mounted sshkeys are synced every minute (default, you can change SYNC_SSHKEYS_TIMER (seconds))

Environment Options

  • SSH_USERS list of user accounts and uids/gids to create. eg SSH_USERS=www:48:48:SUPERPASSWORDPASSWORD,admin:1000:1000:SUPERSECRET:/home/newhome:/bin/bash
  • MOTD change the login message
  • SFTP_MODE if set to true sshd will only accept sftp connections
  • SFTP_CHROOT if set to true in sftp only mode sftp will be chrooted to this directory SFTP_CHROOT_PATH. Default /home
  • MAX_RETRY max retries before fail2ban cut the line
  • SYNC_SSHKEYS_TIMER timer to sync keys inside the container
  • TZ user timezone
  • UIDS_START uids start (1000): default uid if you dont explicitly tell them
  • LOGIN_SHELL default bash

The SSH_USERS variable

  • Format is username:uid:gid:password:home:loginshell, comma: , separated.
  • those opts are optional:
    • uid (default: 1000 and increment for each user in list)
    • gid (default: uid)
    • home (default /home/$name)
    • password
    • loginshell (default: $LOGIN_SHELL > /bin/bash)
  • exemples:
    • SSHD_USERS=toto,tata: create a user toto with uid 1000, and tata 1001.
    • SSHD_USERS=toto:1001::x: create a user toto with uid 1001, uid 1001 and password x.

SSH Keys

You can set allowed keys for a particular user by creating authorized_keys files under ./keys, eg ./keys/myuser.

SSH Host Keys

SSH uses host keys to identity the server you are connecting to. To avoid receiving security warning the containers host keys should be mounted on an external volume.

By default this image will create new host keys in /etc/ssh/keys which should be mounted on an external volume. If you are using existing keys and they are mounted in /etc/ssh this image will use the default host key location making this image compatible with existing setups.

If you wish to configure SSH entirely with environment variables* it is suggested that you externally mount /etc/ssh/keys instead of /etc/ssh.

SFTP mode

When in sftp only mode (activated by setting SFTP_MODE=true the container will only accept sftp connections. All sftp actions will be chrooted to the SFTP_CHROOT directory which defaults to "/data".

Please note that all components of the pathname in the ChrootDirectory directive must be root-owned directories that are not writable by any other user or group (see man 5 sshd_config).

Usage Example

docker-compose run -v /secrets/ -v /mnt/data/:/data/ sshd


docker-compose run -v $(pwd)/ -e SSH_USERS="www:48:48" sshd

Media server usage

cp .env.mediaserver .env
cp -f docker-compose.mediaserver.yml docker-compose.override.yml
$EDITOR .env
$EDITOR docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d --force-recreate

VPN usage (configure outgoing ip)

cp .env.vpn .env
cp -f docker-compose.vpn.yml docker-compose.override.yml
$EDITOR .env
$EDITOR docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d --force-recreate

Ad Hoc ssh client

docker run -it corpusops/sshd ssh
docker run -it corpusops/sshd rsync

entrypoint hooks

  • The image support hooks to be executed thorough the entry point execution
  • Everything inside the scripts dirs will be executed
  • Read the script to know where you want to hook in
    • /hooks/pre/*
    • /hooks/pre_keys/*
    • /hooks/pre_users/*
    • /hooks/pre_users_keys/*
    • /hooks/pre_users_chmod_keys/*
    • /hooks/post_users_keys/*
    • /hooks/post/*
    • /hooks/post_acls/*
    • /hooks/pre_run/*

Full example of rsync transfer with ssh-agent

eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
docker run -it \
    -v /path/to/transfer:/transfer \
    -v $HOME/.ssh/:/issh:ro \
    -v $(readlink -f $SSH_AUTH_SOCK):/ssh-agent \
    -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent \
    --entrypoint bash corpusops/sshd  \
    -ec  'rsync -azv /issh/ /root/.ssh/ && chown -Rf root:root /root/.ssh && \
    rsync -azv myhost:/totransfer/ /transfer/'










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