Updates for newer versions of GHC
What's Changed
- Remove hack for the older OSX. by @qnikst in #63
- Make foreign calls on macOS and Win unsafe by @qnikst in #62
- Update cabal file and fix merge by @qnikst in #64
- Check C methods exit code on unix platforms. by @qnikst in #66
- Add GitHub actions by @qnikst in #65
- fix Num multiplication, add Real, Enum, Integral instances by @Mathnerd314 in #67
- "Seconds" RealFrac instance by @Mathnerd314 in #68
- Fix #73: revise bounds on base to >= 4.4 by @andreasabel in #74
- Fix #72: break dependency cycle with constraint: tasty -clock by @andreasabel in #76
- Fix/extend tests, move Seconds into separate module by @Mathnerd314 in #69
- Extend Haskell-CI test matrix to GHC 7.8 - 9.2 by @andreasabel in #78
- Fix #75: require base >= 4.7, bump to 0.8.3, CHANGELOG stub by @andreasabel in #79
New Contributors
- @qnikst made their first contribution in #63
- @Mathnerd314 made their first contribution in #67
- @andreasabel made their first contribution in #74
Full Changelog: 0.8...0.8.3