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🎹 Using Smoothie from the command line

Couleur edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Easily find where Smoothie stuff is, you can use this with Run (Windows+R):

sm -dir will open where is

sm -recipe or sm -rc will open the default recipe

Some niche features can only be used from the command line, each of these can be mixed and used in any order:

-inputor -i specify the input video(s): sm -i "/Video/video1.mp4" "/Video/video2.mp4" ..

-config or -c will specify a specific config instead of the default recipe.ini, if you don't want to have to specify the whole path it must be in the /Smoothie/Settings/ folder: sm -c bananarecipe.ini -i /Videos/video1.mp4

-peek or -p will only render a single frame, outputs a .png: sm -i "/Video/video1.mp4" -p 751 (would output how the 751th frame would look with current recipe applied)

-verbose or -v will display the very long vspipe ... | ffmpeg ... command (used for debugging)

-curdir or -cd outputs all files to current directory (e.g you are in /Videos/Out and you type sm -i /Videos/clip.mkv -cd)