Contribution from the French Observatory to the UDF Pig Functions
it uses the new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FixedLengthInputFormat from HADOOP 2.3
A fixed-Binary-width file loader. from
Takes a string argument specifying the ranges of each column in a unix 'cut'-like format. Ex: '-5, 10-12, 14, 20-' Ranges are comma-separated, 1-indexed (for ease of use with 1-indexed text editors), and inclusive. A single-column field at position n may be specified as either 'n-n' or simply 'n'.
A second optional argument specifies whether to skip the first row of the input file, assuming it to be a header. As Pig may combine multiple input files each with their own header into a single split, FixedWidthLoader makes sure to skip any duplicate headers as will. 'SKIP_HEADER' skips the row; anything else and the default behavior ('USE_HEADER') is not to skip it.
A third optional argument specifies a Pig schema to load the data with. Automatically trims whitespace from numeric fields. Note that if fewer fields are specified in the schema than are specified in the column spec, only the fields in the schema will be used.
A fourth argument specifie the fixed length
Column spec idea and syntax parser borrowed from Russ Lankenau's implementation at