An OpenGL implementation of Box2D's DebugDraw.
For building and using the library, install:
Additionally, to build and run the demo, you'll need:
Configure as with a normal CMake project. CMake package finders will be used for locating Box2D, GLEW, OpenGL and SDL2 where required.
Assuming dependencies are installed in places where the compiler will find them:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
You can then optionally install by running e.g. make install
(as usual, the
install prefix can be modified by setting -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
invoking cmake
; see the CMake documentation
for details).
Either install as above and use find_package(b2draw)
, or if, for example,
using Git submodules, you can add_subdirectory(path/to/b2draw)
. In either
case, linking against the b2draw::b2draw
library should provide dependants
with the correct include dirctories and link libraries.
Either install as above, or build in-place to include in your build; the details will depend on your toolchain.
Create a debug draw:
// Configuration...
DebugDraw debugDraw(...);
debugDraw.SetFlags(0xff); // Draw everything.
b2World world;
When you update the Box2D world, make sure to buffer the debug draw data:
// Logic loop:
debugDraw.Clear(); // Clears the previous geometry set.
world.DrawDebugData(); // Adds world geometry to the DebugDraw.
debugDraw.BufferData(); // Sends geometry to the GPU.
Finally, when rendering, call DebugDraw::Render()
// Render loop:
To run the demo, build as above but ensure to define b2draw_BUILD_DEMO
, and
that GLM and SDL2 can be found. Once built, run $BUILD_DIR/demo/demo
, where
is the path to your build directory.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Db2draw_BUILD_DEMO=ON ..