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construção do corpus DHBB.

run udpipe

execute udpipe for each raw that has an json in ner folder:

for f in ner/*.json; do echo raw/$(basename $f .json).raw; done | xargs ~/work/udpipe-1.2.0/bin-osx/udpipe --outfile=udp/{}.conllu --tokenizer="normalized_spaces;ranges" --tag --parse ~/work/udpipe-1.2.0/models/portuguese-bosque-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe

run NLU

Melhor usar o ner/

for a sample of files in RAW:

for f in raw/?.raw; do 
    curl -G --header "Content-Type: application/json" -u SECRET --data-urlencode "text@$f" ",relations&entities.model=073dab23-dd1e-4ded-badf-f502eb06372c&entities.mentions=true&&return_analyzed_text=true" > ner/$(basename $f .raw).json;

for each document in wks:

for f in `cat wks/documents.json| jq -r '.[] | .name'` ; do
    IN=$(basename $f .txt);
    echo Processing $IN;
    curl -X POST -G --header "Content-Type: application/json" -u $KEY --data-urlencode "text@../raw/$IN.raw"  "$URL/v1/analyze?version=2020-08-01&features=entities,relations&entities.model=$MODEL&entities.mentions=true&&return_analyzed_text=true" > $IN.json;

diretorio ner/wks

Para comparar ner/*.json com respectivos ner/wks/gt/*.json:

cat wks/documents.json| jq -r '.[] | "echo Processing " + .name + "\ntest-ner -c " + .name + ".json wks/gt/" + .id + ".json"' >

Para importar novos arquivos para o WKS:

jq '.[] | .name | "raw/" + rtrimstr(".txt") + ".raw" ' -r ner/wks/documents.json > a.list
wc -l raw/*.raw | awk '$1 < 7 && $1 > 2 {print $2}' > b.list
diff --new-line-format="" --unchanged-line-format="" <(sort b.list) <(sort a.list) | shuf | head -50 > n.list
for f in `cat n.list`; do cp $f tmp/`basename $f .raw`.txt; done
rm a.list b.list n.list 

diretório udp-mini

for f in sents/*.sent; do echo $f; done | xargs ~/work/udpipe-1.2.0/bin-osx/udpipe --outfile=udp-mini/{}.conllu --tokenizer="normalized_spaces;presegmented" --tag --parse ~/work/udpipe-1.2.0/models/portuguese-bosque-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe