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Build on MacOS with XCode for MacOS

Marcus Hudritsch edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 5 revisions
  • Clone the SLProject GIT repository into a directory of your choice
  • Install the latest CMake. You need at least CMake Version 3.3.
  • Create a build folder name e.g. build-MacOS-XCode in the SLProject root folder.
    • Open a terminal and go into the build directory.
    • Type "cmake -G Xcode .." to build the project files for the Apple XCode IDE. With "cmake -G" you get all possible other build systems that you could generate the project files for.
    • If you want to build for the new Apple Silicon M1 processors you need CMake Verison 3.19.2 or newer and you have to specify the arm64 architecture as follows: "cmake -G Xcode -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64 .."
  • Double click the generated SLProject.xcodeproj project file to open the XCode IDE.
  • Press Cmd-B to build the ALL_BUILD project. It should build all projects without error.
  • To run an application you must first set it as the startup program: XcodeStartApplication
  • Press the Run button to start the application.
    • After closing the welcome dialogue you can open with the menu File > Load Demo Scenes many different scenes that demonstrate the features of SLProject.