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Dale Slack Bot


  1. cd to the directory you would like to add Dale
  2. heroku login user: [email protected] password: ask
  3. heroku git:clone -a nameless-mountain-4460
  4. Set up git remote to PWW github dale repo, and your personal github fork
  5. npm install
  6. Add SLACKBOT_TOKEN environment variable on your system (log into Heroku, access nameless-mountain-4460, access settings, and view Config Variables)


  1. Make modifications
  2. Create a PR to PWW github dale repo
  3. Merge PR
  4. git checkout master
  5. git pull <pww-github-dale-repo> master
  6. git push heroku master

Dale scripts

  • Create new .js script under dale/
  • Pass your .js script into a local variable in dale/main.js using require('./<your-script>.js')
  • If your script requires access to the SlackBot instance, pass the slack instance into your script's local variable in dale/main.js

Dale template script


// If necessary to define a class, begin with that, otherwise skip to module.exports
var TemplateClass;

TemplateClass = (function() {
  // In the constructor, accept the slack instance and (optional) set up cache data
  function TemplateClass(robot1) {
    this.robot = robot1;
    this.cache = {
      persistDatum: {}

    // If necessary to seed the class with data from persist, set an open
    // event listener on the slack instance
    this.robot.on('open', (function(_this) {
       return function() {
         var base;
         (base = || (base.persistDatum = {});
         return _this.cache.scores = || {};

  // Define whatever necessary prototype functions are necessary
  TemplateClass.prototype.getDatum = function(datum) {
    var base;
    (base = this.cache.persistDatum)[datum] || (base[datum] = 0);
    return datum;

  // Be sure to return your class prototype from this function call
  return TemplateClass;


// The module.exports is where binding with the slack instance occurs
module.exports = function(robot) {
  // If a class was defined, instantiate.  The instance can now be used throughout
  var templateClass;
  templateClass = new TemplateClass(robot);

  // Define event handlers on the slack instance that was passed into this module
  robot.on('message', function(message){
    // Default message handling
    var channel, channelError, channelName, errors, response, text, textError, ts, type, typeError, user, userName;
    channel = robot.getChannelGroupOrDMByID(;
    user = robot.getUserByID(message.user);
    response = '';
    type = message.type, ts = message.ts, text = message.text;
    channelName = (channel != null ? channel.is_channel : void 0) ? '#' : '';

    channelName = channelName + (channel ? : 'UNKNOWN_CHANNEL');
    userName = (user != null ? : void 0) != null ? : "UNKNOWN_USER";
    console.log("TemplateClass received: " + type + " " + channelName + " " + userName + " " + ts + " \"" + text + "\"");
    if (type === 'message' && (text != null) && (channel != null)) {
      return channel.send("This message will be sent to chat");