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Updated dependencies

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@einazare einazare released this 19 Jun 07:24


We've skipped versions 1.5.0, 1.6.0 so that all React Material products would be on the same version.

Bug fixing

Major style changes

Deleted components

Added components

Deleted dependencies

Added dependencies

  • eslint-plugin-react@7.13.0
  • prettier@1.18.2 (To stop console warnings on install)
  • typescript@3.5.1 (To stop console warnings on install)

Updated dependencies

@material-ui/core                          3.9.2   →    4.1.0
@material-ui/icons                         3.0.2   →    4.1.0
history                                    4.7.2   →    4.9.0
node-sass                                 4.11.0   →   4.12.0
nouislider                                13.1.0   →   13.1.5
prop-types                                15.7.1   →   15.7.2
react                                     16.8.1   →   16.8.6
react-dom                                 16.8.1   →   16.8.6
react-router-dom                           4.3.1   →    5.0.1
react-scripts                              2.1.5   →    3.0.1
react-slick                               0.23.2   →   0.24.0
react-swipeable-views                     0.13.1   →   0.13.3
@babel/cli                                 7.2.3   →    7.4.4
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties    7.3.0   →    7.4.4
@babel/preset-env                          7.3.1   →    7.4.5
eslint-config-prettier                     4.0.0   →    4.3.0
eslint-plugin-prettier                     3.0.1   →    3.1.0