Ontolo-CI is a docker based system that integrates with GitHub to provide a continuos integration system for ontologies. It uses Shape Expressions and test instances in order to validate ontologies.
Although inspired in Travis-CI and many other continuos integration systems, Ontolo-CI is focused on develop continuos integration for ontologies. This is done by means of test instances and Shape Expressions. Furthermore, Ontolo-CI is integrated with GitHub, so you can add it as a check to Pull Requests or Pushes to different branches.
The following diagram illustrates the architecture of Ontolo-CI. As can be seen, it can be deployed as a docker container in any machine. Then it will listen to GitHub Webhooks. Whenever a webhook from github arrives it inmediatelly schedulles a build and after the build is finished Ontolo-CI will notify GitHub and publish the data on its webpage.
Ontolo-CI is shipped as a Docker container so that anyone can deploy its own instance on demand. Inside the Docker container there are several components that work together. The following schema shows them.
Ontolo-CI Listener: The listener component receives notifications from GitHub when a Pull Request is started or when commits are pushed. This notifies the scheduller about the new build to perform.
Ontolo-CI Hub: It acts as a GitHub API interface client. It allows the system to collect files from GitHub but also to inform about the status of the builds.
Ontolo-CI Scheduller: This component receives builds to schedule from the listener, then creates a worker with the build and schedules its execution.
Ontolo-CI Worker: Each worker contains a build to execute. A build is a set of tests to execute over an ontology. It only knows how to execute tests when told and who to notificate when finished.
Database: When a build is finished by a worker the results of the build are stored in a database. Up to now the results that are being stored are: repo, branch, event, result. Where the result stores not only the results of the test cases, but also the execution time and other metrics.
Ontolo-CI API: The API provides an access layer for thrid party services that need to explore the data from an Ontolo-CI instance. It is also used by the web service. It only allows reading data at the time.
Ontolo-CI Web: Is a Web interface that stores the results of all executions schedulled, under execution and executed.
As previously seen, Ontolo-CI is a docker based system. Therefore the only important requirement is that you have Docker installed and running on your computer. Then, you just need to follow these steps.
- Download the latest version of the repository, either as a ZIP file or by cloning the master branch.
git clone https://github.com/weso/ontolo-ci
- Then move to the docker folder from inside Ontolo-CI. For that:
cd ontolo-ci/docker
- Finally, execute
docker-compose up
. This will generate the corresponding images, deploy the containers and expose the posrts.
Ports Configuration: Ontolo-CI uses port 80 for serving the web UI, port 10010 for its API and port 10011 for listening to GitHub.