Implementation of a Traditional Genetic Algorithm, the Hybrid-Taguchi Genetic Algorithm and the Cooperative Coevolutive Hybrid-Taguchi Genetic Algorithm
- Please follow the installation instructions outlined here
- Then proceed to install ruby plugin
- Install the version
$ asdf install ruby 2.7.0
- Set this version either as global or local
$ asdf global ruby 2.7.0
$ asdf local ruby 2.7.0
- Install the dependencies with
$ bundler install
- You run the genetic algorithms with
$ ruby <algorithm> <path to ini test file(s)>
The available values for <algorithm>
are tga
, htga
, cchtga
, tga_knapsack
and htga_knapsack
<path to ini test file(s)>
is usually a .ini file or subdirectory in the test_cases/
For example: $ ruby execute.rb htga test_cases/htga/f2_test.ini
- Running the tests
You go to each of the algorithms folders and execute: $ bundle exec cucumber