I'm Cristiano Fromagio β a full-stack web developer from Brazil.
I am passionate about accessibility, open knowledge, optimization and debugging things to see how they work (and most of the times why they don't). My favorite stack these days is Laravel and
Angular, but I'm also exploring
React on the side.
When I'm not on coding mode, I enjoy running in the afternoon, look for underwater scenes in unexpected places and learning terms or concepts that reflect a collective knowledge like eponymous laws/adages (Brooks's law, Parkinson's law, Hick's law, Murphy's law), terms for a specific behavior/situation (Sword of Damocles, Streisand Effect, Peter Principle, Cognitive Dissonance, Founder's Syndrome) and code words of similar kind.
I'm also right-eye blind (Coats' Disease) which means 3D movies are boring and some handshakes may go unnoticed.