A utility for converting text level files to various image formats, with support for drawing overlays.
If you use this project in your work, please cite:
Cooper, S. (2024). level2image: A Utility for Making 2D Tile-Based Level Images with Overlays. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 20(1), 254-255. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v20i1.31886
You'll need Python 3.12 and pipenv installed. To install pipenv, run:
pip3 install pipenv
To set up the pipenv environment, run:
pipenv install --categories svglib
Then you can launch a shell to run the utility with:
pipenv shell
There are some example usages below.
The above instructions install the svglib converter, which seems to be more portable to different platforms.
If you'd like to use the cairosvg converter, you can instead run:
pipenv install --categories cairosvg
To use cairosvg, you may need to install the Cairo libraries specific to your platform. For example, on macOS you may need to install brew and run:
brew install cairo
Or on Linux:
apt install libcairo2
If you want both converters, you can run:
pipenv install --categories "cairosvg svglib"
If you only want to produce svgs, you don't need to install a converer, and can just run:
pipenv install
These examples can be run in a pipenv shell
# Text pdf
python level2image.py example/example.lvl
# Text svg
python level2image.py example/example.lvl --fmt svg
# Text pdf with no overlay
python level2image.py example/example.lvl --viz-none
# Text pdf with only path overlay
python level2image.py example/example.lvl --viz-none --viz path path line-arrow
# Tileset png
python level2image.py example/example_frames/step000.lvl --fmt=png --tile-image-folder=example/example_sprites --cell-size 64 --raster-scale 1
# Text gif
python level2image.py example/example_frames/*.lvl --fmt=gif-anim
# Tileset pdf
python level2image.py example/example_with_spriteset.lvl --tile-image-folder=example/example_sprites
# Tileset gif
python level2image.py example/example_frames/*.lvl --fmt=gif-anim --tile-image-folder=example/example_sprites --cell-size 32 --raster-scale 1
# Montage pdf - each png has up to 4x3 levels with 10 pixel spacing between columns and 20 between rows, with 5 padding around edges
python level2image.py example/example_frames/*.lvl --montage 4 3 10 20 --padding 5
Note for gifs: when using glob wildcards, frames are added in alphabetical order (regardless of the order they appear in your file directory structure), so use prefix 0s in numbered frames.
| -- step0.lvl
| -- step1.lvl
| -- step10.lvl
| -- step11.lvl
| -- step2.lvl
| -- step20.lvl
| -- step00.lvl
| -- step01.lvl
| -- step02.lvl
| -- step10.lvl
| -- step11.lvl
| ...
| -- step20.lvl