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necolas edited this page Feb 6, 2012 · 9 revisions



  • Removed the ant build script. It has moved to a separate repo - ant-build-script - and its wiki contains instructions on how to merge it into your HTML5 Boilerplate clone.
  • Removed Respond.js. The appropriate development strategy (or "mobile first" solution) is left up to developers to assess based on their project's needs. Worth reading the long discussion about this issue.
  • CSS updated to reflect recent additions to normalize.css and to provide better typography defaults.
  • Google Chrome Frame is no longer prompted by a script. IE6 users are served links to install Chrome Frame or visit Browse Happy to choose an alternative browser.
  • Removed initial-scale=1 from the viewport meta. This prevents iOS scaling bugs.
  • Removed defer from all scripts to avoid legacy IE bugs.
  • Simplified JS folder structure.
  • Improved and more robust .htaccess.
  • Improved 404 design.
  • Updated to Modernizr 2.5 (includes yepnope 1.5 and html5shiv 3.2).
  • Updated to jQuery 1.7.1.
  • Simplified the project by removing the /test directory.
  • html IE class names changed to fall-back rather than targeting specific versions.
  • Google Analytics script is once again inserted using the optimized asynchronous snippet rather than Modernizr.load().
  • Removed explicit Site Speed tracking for Google Analytics. It's now enabled by default.


  • Starting CSS is now based on normalize.css instead of a CSS reset.
  • Added Respond.js - a min/max-width Media Query polyfill - as part of a shift to a "mobile first" responsive approach.
  • Removed IE6 PNGFix. You are encouraged to use tools like imagealpha and pngquant.
  • Prompt IE6 users to install Chrome Frame.
  • Simplified the html conditional comments for IE9+ and modern browsers and added an oldie class.
  • Updated clearfix to use micro clearfix
  • Add placeholder CSS MQs for mobile-first approach.
  • Add textarea { resize: vertical; } to only allow vertical resizing
  • Add img { max-width: 100%; } to the print styles; prevents images being truncated.
  • Removed handheld.css as it has very poor device support.
  • Updated to jQuery 1.6.2 (and use minified by default).
  • Updated to Modernizr 2.0 Complete, Production minified (includes yepnope, html5shiv, and Respond.js)
  • Removed touch-icon link elements from the HTML and include improved touch-icon support.
  • Remove the cache-busting query paramaters from files references in the HTML.
  • Added Site Speed tracking for Google Analytics.
  • Use Modernizr.load() to load the Google Analytics script.
  • Build script includes options for CSSLint, JSLint, JSHint tools.
  • Build script compresses all images in subfolders too.
  • Much faster build process.
  • Build script now revs files by SHA hash.
  • Many .htaccess improvements including: disable directory browsing, improved support for all versions of Apache, more robust and extensive HTTP compression rules.


  • Build script rewrite that makes it more customizable and includes the ability to use the build script with a unique folder architecture.
  • Expires headers in .htaccess are set to 1 year, as the filenames are now revved.
  • Use a protocol-relative url to reference jQuery and prevent mixed content warnings.
  • Optimized the Google Analytics snippet.
  • Remove IE9-specific conditional class on the html element.
  • Added a .focusable helper class that extends .visuallyhidden to allow the element to be focusable when navigated to via the keyboard.
  • Merge in Eric Meyer's recent CSS reset update and the HTML5 Doctor reset.
  • Remove margins from lists within nav elements.
  • Added a print reset for IE's proprietary filters.
  • Print styles no longer print hash or JavaScript links.
  • More robust sub/sup CSS styles to avoid affects of line-height.
  • Added a humans.txt file to list the team and technology behind your site.
  • Removed YUI profiling.
  • Numerous .htaccess improvements (including inline documentation).
  • Moved the server configurations (except Apache's .htaccess) to the H5BP server configs repo.
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