This package provides two very simple to use classes for sending and receiving plugin communication messages.
npm install @crx-api/messaging
import { Connect } from '@crx-api/messaging'
const conn = new Connect('my-plugin') // Distinguish the different listeners by specifying a name.
window.conn = conn // Exposed to the "window" object, available for "popup" use.
// debugger log
conn.debugger(msg => {
// This is an example of how you can customize the style to suit your needs.
console.log(`%c[DEBUG] ${msg}`, 'background-color: red; color: white; padding: 2px; border-radius: 3px;')
// middleware
conn.use('this is a middleware.', (command, payload) => {
// You can exclude some commands that do not need to execute this middleware by judging "command".
// "payload" is the parameter carried by the "command" instruction.
if (command === 'command1') return // The "command1" command will be skipped by the middleware, but will not prevent the execution of this command.
if (payload.status === 'error') return Error('error message.') // You can also return an error message to stop the execution of the command.
// command listener
conn.on('command2', async (payload, callback) => {
// Do something...
const res = await doSomething()
if (res.isError) return callback(Error('error message.')) // You can also return an error message to stop the execution of the command.
callback(res) // The "command2" command will be executed successfully.
// port broadcast
conn.broadcast('IAmReady', { status: 'ok' }) // Broadcast a message to all ports.
// get background's window object
const background = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
const conn = background.conn
// Active trigger command.
conn.emit('command2').then(res => {
// Do something...
import { Port } from '@crx-api/messaging'
const port = new Port('my-plugin') // Distinguish the different listeners by specifying a name.
// broadcast listener
port.on('IAmReady', payload => {
// Do something...
// send command
port.send('command2', { /* some data */ }).then(res => {
// Do something...