Releases: crystal-ball/componentry
Releases · crystal-ball/componentry
v4.1.0-beta.0 🧪
What's Changed
- Export Button and Link prop types by @DHedgecock in #420
- Use switch statement for perf in createUtilityClasses by @DHedgecock in #421
- Use simple merge fn by @DHedgecock in #422
- Adding utility props by @DHedgecock in #423
- Fix visibility bug in Modal by @DHedgecock in #424
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.1.0-beta.0
v4.0.0 🚀 - Positively PostCSS
Componentry V4 enables a significantly upgraded workflow for customizing styles by using PostCSS instead of SASS for styles processing.
Release blog post
V4 improvement highlights:
- Library styles migrated to PostCSS
- TailwindCSS compatibility for utility classes
V3 Migration
V4 includes the following breaking changes:
- Library utility props only accept theme values
- Library utility classes require Tailwind integration
- Library styles are migrated from SASS to PostCSS
See the release blog post for details.
Full Changelog: v3.4.1...v4.0.0
v4.0.0-beta.8 🧪
What's Changed
- Upgrade package export definitions by @DHedgecock in #418
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.7...v4.0.0-beta.8
v4.0.0-beta.7 🧪
What's Changed
- Revert back to /types directory by @DHedgecock in #412
- Improve exported type docs by @DHedgecock in #413
- Merge custom text elements map with library defaults by @DHedgecock in #414
- Chore: Update project dependencies by @DHedgecock in #415
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.6...v4.0.0-beta.7
v4.0.0-beta.6 🧪
What's Changed
- Upgrade: Add addl justify utility props by @DHedgecock in #406
- Deps: Loosen package dependencies by @DHedgecock in #407
- Upgrade: Add dedicated setup mechanism for elements by @DHedgecock in #408
- Match component naming style across files by @DHedgecock in #409
- New: Generate docs for props and styles types by @DHedgecock in #410
- Use simpler default prefix for library classes by @DHedgecock in #411
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.5...v4.0.0-beta.6
v4.0.0-beta.5 🧪
What's Changed
- Fix: Include exports subpaths for postcss and babel entries
- Upgrade: improved organization of utility props+classes by @DHedgecock in #405
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.4...v4.0.0-beta.5
v4.0.0-beta.4 🧪
What's Changed
- Fix: Compilation configs polyfill fixes by @DHedgecock in #404
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.3...v4.0.0-beta.4
v4.0.0-beta.3 🧪
What's Changed
- Docs: README enhancements by @DHedgecock in #399
- Beta fixes by @DHedgecock in #401
- Chore: Update project dependencies by @DHedgecock in #402
- Use package.json exports to define entry by @DHedgecock in #403
Full Changelog: v3.4.1...v4.0.0-beta.3
v4.0.0-beta.2 🧪
What's Changed
- Fix: Beta fixes for utility types and PostCSS source maps by @DHedgecock in #398
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.1...v4.0.0-beta.2
v4.0.0-beta.1 🧪
What's Changed
- Fix: Compiler error of 'cannot be named' by @DHedgecock in #397
- Fix: Publish PostCSS entry file by @DHedgecock
- Update: Include source in new Nodes by @DHedgecock
Full Changelog: v4.0.0-beta.0...v4.0.0-beta.1