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Releases: crystal-ball/componentry

v4.0.0-beta.0 🧪

01 Feb 15:30
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v4.0.0-beta.0 🧪 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-alpha.1...v4.0.0-beta.0

v4.0.0-alpha.1 🧪

23 Jan 15:38
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v4.0.0-alpha.1 🧪 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.0.0-alpha.0...v4.0.0-alpha.1

v4.0.0-alpha.0 🧪

18 Jan 14:41
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v4.0.0-alpha.0 🧪 Pre-release

The v4 release train has officially started rolling. This release includes initial support for 100% PostCSS styles with 100% configurability and leverages Tailwind for utility styles.

v3.4.1 🚀

28 May 14:33
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🛠 Fixes

  • useTheme throwing errors in valid use cases.
  • Sass merge logic combining padding, margin, borders values instead of overwriting them.


28 May 14:31
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💖 New

  • Types updated to strict type checking

🛠 Fixes

  • Add missing utility prop types


28 May 14:34
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💖 New

  • Text component shorthand props align and color added for setting text alignment and color.
  • Types added for all components for fontColor, textAlign, width, backgroundColor and borderColor.
  • Module augmentation to override utlity prop types added to library.

✨ Updates

  • Styles only entry _index.scss added to ensure library styles can be imported as ~componentry/styles

🛠 Fixes

  • Misc className mismatches resulting from TS updates.


28 May 14:34
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💖 New

  • Styles only entry added at ~componentry/styles for convenience setting up the library.

🛠 Fixes

  • Responsive and flex classes mismatched between styles and component output.

v3.1.0 - Now with TypeScript 🎉

01 Mar 03:10
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Componentry is now written in TypeScript 🎉🎉🎉

Adding types has been a wishlist item for a long time. Types provide such a
great developer experience upgrade, and increase the quality of the codebase.

Although this is a minor release it is a little spicy 🌶 because updating to TS
required changing every file in the library 😬.

v3.0.0 - Radically Reimagined

17 May 20:23
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After nearly two years of tinkering and optimizing, Componentry v3 is released 🎉

v3 is essentially a new library, so breaking changes aren't listed. The
recommended migration path is to install both the v2 and v3 branches
simultaneously, using a git tag for the v2 branch. The v3 components and styles
are prefixed and shouldn't cause conflicts when both are used.

V3 Improvements 💖

  • Components are using the latest React features, including the updated context
    API and hooks. As a result the code for handling components with active state
    is smaller and easier to maintain.
  • Styles are fully customizeable. The library base theme and component styles
    are now written with SASS maps and every line of component styles can be
  • Component behavior and appearance styles have been split into base and variant
    classes. A few useful variants ship with Componentry, and it's possible to add
    additional style variants without having to figure out how to extend behaviors
    like visibility.
  • System props provide convenience methods for setting Tailwind CSS inspired
    utility classes. Each component accepts system props, and the utility styles
    can be used stand-alone.
  • New Block, Flex, and Text components make creating layouts and consistent
    text elements faster. These base components provide convenient building blocks
    for composing custom components.

V3 Roadmap 🛣

The initial v3 release offically includes the Block, Flex, Icon, Text,
and Theme components. The remaining components can be imported, but their
styles still need to be transitioned to SASS maps and variants so there will
be changes.

The Anchor and Button components will be released next.

The active components, including Active, Drawer, Dropdown, Tooltip and
Popover will be released after that.

Remaining components will be queued and released after that.

Build something radical 💖

v2.5.0 - v2 maintenance updates

17 May 20:01
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Componentry v2.5.0 fixes the deprecated lifecycle hook usage and updates the library dependencies to latest. Note this is a breaking change 💥 that requires React 16.8 and Nanoid v3. The changes are being published as a maintenance update to the v2 branch.