This is the User Interface for Crystal ID. Crystal ID is the Web Wallet for Crystalem CRFI, & Electronero Network coins/tokens. Support for ETNX, ETNXP, LTNX, GLDX, CRFI and all EI-2.0 XRC20 tokens, Electronero Smart Chain xASSETS out-of-the-box.
Deposit, Withdrawal, Transaction History, Swaps (soon), Stake (soon), Farm (soon), and more.
To use the UI, connect to Electronero Passport API Get an API key here:
------[server]-------<<->>-------[blockchain]-----<<->>------[private API]-------<<->>------[public API]------<<->>---[UX/UI]---
electronero network | <-> | crystaleumd (nodes) | <-> | crystaleum-Wallet-RPC | <-> | Electronero Passport | <-> | CrystalID UI
----node clusters---|<<->>|--blockchain daemons--|<<->>|-- wallets JSON API's --|<<->>|public Electronero API|<<->>| front-end
- Must have a connection to Electronero Passport API or your own API for the UI to function as intended. This is the live repository of Crystal ID hosted at
- NodeJS/NPM or NodeJS/Yarn
- Bower
bower init && bower install && npm i && gulp less && gulp deploy
The sym linked *.html
files located in ./
will be hot loaded to wallet/*
and you can serve the *.html
directly from ./
After cloning the repo take a look at the gulpfile.js
and check out the tasks available:
gulp less
The less task will compile the LESS into thedist
directory and minify the output. -
gulp deploy
The default task will compile templates from NJK to HTML, and LESS and JS, then output into thedist
directory and minify the output, and it will copy all vendor libraries frombower_components
Node Packages: Use npm or yarn to install dependencies.
npm install gulp-nunjucks-render --save-dev
npm install gulp-data --save-dev
Bower Packages:
To update dependencies, run bower update
and then run gulp less && gulp deploy
to copy the updated dependencies
bower init
bower install
bower update