Create a function that returns an array from 0 to 100. Print the array in another function.
Create a function that has a loop that quits with ‘q’. If the user doesn't enter 'q', ask them to input another string.
Create a function with the variable below. After you create the variable do the instructions below that.
listNames = [“John”, “Paul”, “George”, “Pete”]
a) Print Pete’s name from the list
b) Change Pete’s name to ‘Ringo’, print the list
c) Add the name ‘Yoko’ to the list and print
Create a function that contains a collection of information for the following. After you create the collection do the instructions below that.
a) Print the collection
b) Print who plays guitar
Create a function that will have a hard coded array of Kenn, Kevin, and Erin several times in the array. Print out how many times Kenn, Kevin, or Erin appears in an array.