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Teaching materials for the unified Software Tools unit (COMS10012 and COMSM0085)

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Software Tools

Unit materials for the Software Tools unit (COMS10012 and COMSM0085).

Learning in this unit is structured around hands-on exercises in the weekly lab session. To support you in this, we give lectures and provide pre-reading that introduces you to the tools or technologies you’ll be working with in each week’s lab session. You are also able to see the workshop exercises ahead of the session – this is intentional, as it's usually a good idea to look at and attempt exercises ahead of the lab. The schedule below links to each week's content.

TB1 Schedule

  • All lectures are delivered on Tuesdays at 16:00 in Priory Road Lecture Theatre.
  • All labs are held on Fridays in MVB 2.11:
    • 09:00 - 11:00 for COMSM0085 students
    • 11:00 - 13:00 for COMS10012 students
  • The assessment for TB1 takes place in Week 12 at 14:00 on Friday (2024-12-06). For most students the test will be held in MVB 2.11, but some of you will be in alternative locations as per your timetable.
Week Topic Lecturer
1 System administration Matthew
2 POSIX fundamentals Matthew
3 Regular expressions Matthew
4 Git basics Joseph
5 Collaborating using Git Joseph
6 Reading Week NA
7 Build tools Joseph
8 Debugging Joseph
9 SQL Joseph
10 More SQL Joseph
11 Programming with SQL Joseph
12 50% assessment: in-class test NA

TB2 Schedule

  • All lectures are delivered on Tuesdays at 11:00 in 1.11 Tyndall Lecture Theature, Physics Building.
  • All labs are held on Fridays in MVB 2.11:
    • 11:00 - 13:00 for COMS10012 students
    • 15:00 - 17:00 for COMSM0085 students
  • The assessment for TB2 takes place during the summer exam period and is timetabled separately.
Week Topic Lecturer
1 HTTP Matthew
2 HTML Matthew
3 CSS basics Matthew
4 Design with CSS Matthew
5 Javascript basics Matthew
6 Reading Week NA
7 Asynchronous Javascript Matthew
8 Web scraping Matthew
9 PGP Joseph
10 Internet protocols Joseph
11 Certificates Joseph


Assessment for this unit consists of two components, both of which are 1-hour paper-based multiple-choice tests, covering everything taught in the corresponding TB, and worth 50% of the mark for this unit. The tests are open-book, meaning you can bring unlimited paper-based notes with you (but no electronic assistance).

  • The TB1 test will be held in Week 12 (2024-12-06) at 14:00. An entry should already be in your timetable. The test will cover everything taught in TB1.
  • The TB2 test will be held in the summer exam period, and will be scheduled closer to the time by the university's exam timetabling department. The test will cover everything taught in TB2.

Example papers

The following papers and solutions show you examples of the sorts of questions you may be asked in the exam, and what the correct selections are. Be warned that studying only these questions is a great way to end up surprised and underprepared for the real exam.


Teaching materials for the unified Software Tools unit (COMS10012 and COMSM0085)






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