OpenMRS 3.0 distribution.
Dockerfiles for the backend and frontend applications are found in the build
The frontend image can be built with the following command:
docker build -t<version> .
To successfully build the backend image a few packages from the GitHub maven registry need to be downloaded, the registry is configured in the settings.xml
. As of now, to be able to download packages, users need to be authenticated.
Once you have a personal access token (PAT) you have to assign the GH_USERNAME
(with your PAT) environment variables in order to for them to be picked up in settings.xml
The backend image can be built with the following command:
docker build --secret id=GH_USERNAME --secret id=GH_PASSWORD -t<version> .
- Place the SQL dump of the database which has to be named openmrs.sql in /database/scripts directory.
- While in the project's directory run the command
docker compose up -d
Note: Don't forget to provide the required SQL dump file.