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Installation Guide For DB Sync

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Assumptions
  4. Installation
    1. JMS Server
    2. Building OpenMRS EIP
    3. Receiver
    4. Sender
  5. Console
    1. User Account Management
    2. Open Webapp Setup
  6. DB Sync Technical Overview
    1. Sender Overview
    2. Receiver Overview


This installation guide is for those intending to set up database synchronization between 2 OpenMRS databases. Currently, only one-way DB sync is supported therefore, you can have a receiver application to write to the destination database and one or more sender applications to read from the source database(s). You would also need a JMS server to provide a way for a sender and receiver applications to exchange sync data.

Please try to make sure you install the required applications in the order laid out in the installation section i.e. JMS Server, receiver and then sender(s).



One-way data sync

Currently, the receiver application doesn't sync data back to a sender but in future release support for two-way sync will be supported.

Time Zone and Calendar system

The DB sync sender and receiver applications MUST be running in the same calendar system. It's also highly recommended to run both the sender and receiver in UTC. If another time zone is preferred, it would be best to run both of them in the same time zone. With that said, the application should be able to sync data between a sender and receiver in different time zones by converting the datetime field values to the receiver's time zone. This conversion is not done for time ONLY fields and date fields with no time component. It's also highly recommended that the receiver and sender applications run on the same timezone. Please pay attention to person birthdates to be sure they are synced correctly.

OpenMRS Instances are already installed

This guide doesn't cover installation of the sender and receiver OpenMRS instances and databases, if not, please refer to the OpenMRS documentation.

Shared JMS server

Both the sender and receiver sync applications have access to a single JSM instance in order for them to be able to exchange sync data.

Only Patient and clinical data is synced

Currently, the only data that is synchronized is patient records and their clinical data, assuming metadata is already centrally managed using the available metadata sharing tools.

Receiver not a POC system (Point Of Care)

The receiving OpenMRS system isn't a POC system used to manage patient records and their clinical data that is synced from other sites, there is some technical reasons behind this, the changes you make to records received from other sites at the receiver site can always be overwritten by future sync attempts for the same record. Because of this, there is a built-in mechanism to minimise this happening, it checks if a record was edited on the receiver side since the last time it was synced and if it was, the application won't sync incoming data for the same record and will move the event to a conflict queue, it's until you remove the item from the conflict queue that the entity gets synced ever again, this implies you will need to periodically monitor this queue to ensure it's empty and also you will have to manually edit the record with conflicts in the receiver DB to apply the changes.

With that said, if you wish to use the receiver OpenMRS instance as a POC system, there has to be a mechanism to ensure its users only have access to patients and their clinical data entered at the receiver site, this can be achieved using by installing the datafilter module, documentation can be found here. If your sender sites are syncing to a receiver database used for purposes of centralizing all site data in a single OpenMRS database. This is typical in cases where an organization wishes to have a single centralized database with all remote sites syncing to a single centralized database and they still want to have a POC instance at the central location, we highly recommend that they set up a separate OpenMRS instance with its own database and sender sync application so that it also sync to the centralized database that way the centralized database is kept as a read-only instance.


JMS Server

In this guide we recommend ArtemisMQ as the preferred JMS server and all our documentation and properties file templates assume ArtemisMQ however, you should be able to use any of your choice as long as it is supported by spring boot and apache camel's jms or activemq components but you would have to make more changes to the sender and receiver application properties jms settings, see How to install ArtemisMQ

Remember to keep note of the ArtemisMQ broker port and URL to the console application, you can peek at what's going on inside your JMS server using the console application.

The configurations instructions in this section are based on artemis version 2.6.3, if running a different version please be sure to find the instructions for your specific version.

The broker.xml is usually located in /var/lib/artemis/etc.


SSL Setup

For data privacy purposes, it's highly recommended to exchange messages between remote sites and central over a secure connection, below is how to set up SSL between the DB sync applications and ActiveMQ, these instructions apply to both sender and receiver, for more details see artemis SSL configuration

SSL configuration in ActiveMQ

  • First you will need to obtain the SSL certificate for the artemis server, for testing purposes you can create a self signed certificate, be sure to protect your generated private key and signed certificate by saving them in a keystore with a password.
  • In the broker.xml file for artemis, locate the acceptors tag and a new acceptor by copying the existing acceptor named artemis. For the new acceptor, set its name attribute to a unique value, assign it a new tcp port number in the URL value and then append the line below to its URL value,
    Where {KEYSTORE_PATH} and {KEYSTORE_PASSWORD} are the path and password respectively for the keystore containing the artemis private key from the first step and the signed certificate, values are separated by a semi-colon, so be sure to include it at the start if the original value didn't have one at the end.
  • Restart artemis

SSL configuration in the DB Application

The instructions below apply to both the sender and receiver DB sync applications.

  • Add the signed certificate to the Java trust store by running the command below from the terminal,
    keytool -import -alias artemis -file {CERTIFICATE_PATH} -storepass {TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD} -keystore {TRUSTSTORE_PATH}
    Where {CERTIFICATE_PATH} is the path to the signed certificate, while {TRUSTSTORE_PATH} and {TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD} are the path and password respectively to the trust store for the JVM used to run the DB sync application, the JVM trust store is a file located at {JAVA_INSTALL_DIR}/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security/cacerts.
  • In the file for the DB sync application you will need to set the value of the spring.artemis.port property to match the port number you assigned to the SSL enabled acceptor in the artemis broker.xml file, and also set the value of the artemis.ssl.enabled property to true.
  • Restart the DB sync application

Key things to note

  • It's VERY important to understand how JMS servers work, key concepts especially when it comes to topics vs queues subscription and message durability before picking one over the other.
  • In case you're using a topic, after installing ArtemisMQ and creating your broker instance, your MUST connect the receiver sync application first with a durable topic subscription before any sender sync application connects and publishes any message. Otherwise, any message pushed by a sender to the topic before you do so won't be delivered to the receiver.
  • With topics, it also implies that whenever you want to onboard a new sender application to sync data from a new site that wishes to join the party to push data to the receiver and it's using a different JMS instance or topic name, then the receiver MUST always connect first so that a durable subscription is created for it before the new sender application can start pushing sync data. Technically this applies whenever you switch to a new JMS broker instance.
  • In case you're using queues, you MUST set auto-delete-queues under address settings to false, for more details see address model config

Building OpenMRS EIP

From the terminal, navigate to your working directory, clone and build the project to generate the executable artifacts by running the commands below.

git clone
cd openmrs-eip
mvn clean install

If you want to run the application in Portuguese, then you need to set the profile for the maven build to pt like below

mvn clean install -P pt

Make sure the build completed successfully.

At the time of writing this guide, the OpenMRS EIP project is at version 1.0-SNAPSHOT, you will to replace {VERSION} with the actual version number from, this number can be found as part of the generated jar files or from root pom file of the OpenMRS EIP project you cloned above.

In practice, the sender and receiver applications are installed on separate physical machines, but for local deployments on a dev or testing machine this could be the same machine so be careful to use different directories for application properties that take directory paths as values e.g. log file, complex obs data directory and others.


  1. Installing the Receiver Application

    1. Create an installation directory for your receiver app.
    2. Copy to the working directory the openmrs-eip-app-{VERSION}.jar file that was generated when you built OpenMRS EIP above, this file should be located in the app/target folder.
    3. There is an file in the distribution/docs/receiver directory relative to the root of the OpenMR EIP project, copy it to your installation directory.
    4. Open the you just copied in step ii to the installation directory and set the property values accordingly, carefully read the in-inline documentation as you set each property value. Note: The receiver sync app makes rest calls to trigger search index rebuilds whenever it processes a payload for an indexed entity e.g. person_name, person_attribute, patient_identifier etc. It's highly recommended that you create a specific user account for this application and use its username and password as values for the openmrs.username and openmrs.password properties respectively in the
    5. Go to the folder where you cloned the git repository and copy the routes folder under distribution/receiver to your installation directory.
    6. It is highly recommended to set the value of the eip.home property in your properties file to match the path to your installation directory.
    7. Launch the receiver app by navigating to its installation directory from the terminal and run the command below.
    java -jar openmrs-eip-app-{VERSION}.jar

    Make sure no errors are reported when the application starts, you can find the logs in the configured directory which defaults to {eip.home}/logs/openmrs-eip.log, where {eip.home} is the path to your installation directory.

  2. Preparation For Sync

    The receiver application individually keeps track of the timestamp it last received a sync payload from each sending application in the receiver_sync_status table, in order to this it needs uniquely identify each sending application. Therefore, before any sending application can start pushing any sync data, the sender needs to obtain this unique identifier from the receiver and configure it in the sender application properties file, this is explained in detail in the sender installation steps.

    To register a sender application, log into the management H2 database console application, to access the management database console please refer to Management Database, insert a row in the site_info table which has the columns below,

    • id: The database primary key, it's auto generated, you don't have to provide a value
    • name: A unique name for the sender application, this will be used for display purposes
    • identifier: A unique identifier for the sender application
    • date_created: The insertion date of the row

    Note The identifier is what is given to the sender application team and should never be changed once the sender starts pushing any data.


  1. Be Unique

    You MUST first request a unique sender id from the team that manages the receiver application and you'll configure it in your file.

  2. Setup MySQL binlog

    Because the sending application relies on the embedded debezium engine, we need to first setup MySQL binary logging in the sender site's OpenMRS database, please refer to this enabling the binlog section from the debezium docs, you will need some of the values you set when configuring the sender application, the server-id needs to match the value of debezium.db.serverId property in the sender file.

    DO NOT set the expire_logs_days because you never want your logs to expire just in case the sync application is run for a while due to unforeseen circumstances

  3. Debezium user account

    First we need to create a user account the debezium MySQL connector will use to read the sender site's Openmrs MySQl DB. This is just a standard practice so that the account is assigned just the privileges it needs to read the MySQL bin-log files without access to the actual OpenMRS DB data, please refer to this creating a user section from the debezium docs, you will need the created user account details when configuring the sender application. i.e. debezium.db.user and debezium.db.password properties in the sender file.

  4. Installing the Sender Application

    1. Create an installation directory for your sender app.
    2. Copy to the working directory the openmrs-eip-app-{VERSION}.jar file that was generated when you built OpenMRS EIP above, this file should be located in the app/target folder.
    3. There is an file in the distribution/docs/sender directory relative to the root of the OpenMR EIP project, copy it to your installation directory.
    4. Open the you just copied above to the installation directory and set the property values accordingly, carefully read the in-inline documentation as you set each property value. Please remember to set the db-sync.senderId property value which MUST match the id obtained from the receiver team in the Be Unique step.
    5. Go to the folder where you cloned the git repository and copy the routes folder under distribution/sender to your installation directory.
    6. It is highly recommended to set the value of the eip.home property in your properties file to match the path to your installation directory.
    7. Launch the sender app by navigating to its installation directory from the terminal and run the command below.
    java -jar openmrs-eip-app-{VERSION}.jar
    1. If initial loading of existing data is not performed via DB sync, please be sure to run the sender the first time to capture the initial offset and history file, this MUST be done immediately after data imported and before the associated OpenMRS database is used to avoid missing synchronizing any events which would create gaps.

    Make sure no errors are reported when the application starts, you can find the logs in the configured directory which defaults to {eip.home}/logs/openmrs-eip.log, where {eip.home} is the path to your installation directory.


The sender and receiver each come with a built-in user interface which can be accessed at http://localhost:{server.port} where {server.port} is the value of the server.port property in the sender/receiver file.

User Account Management

Tha console applications require user authentication, below is how to setup user accounts;

  1. Create a file named in your sender/receiver installation directory.
  2. Add user account entries to the above file where the keys are the usernames and the values are their respective passwords as demonstrated below;

In the example above, we have defined 2 user accounts, the first user has username admin, password test and the second user has username manager, password secret

Open Webapp Setup

The console can also be accessed from an OpenMRS instance as an open webapp by doing the following;

  1. Install the open webapp module in the associated OpenMRS instance.
  2. Navigate to the main administration page, click on Settings under the Open Web Apps Module section
  3. Set the value of the App Base URL field to /{openmrsContextPath}/owa where {openmrsContextPath} is the context path of the OpenMRS instance, usually it is openmrs which would make the field value /openmrs/owa in most cases.
  4. Keep note of the value of the App Folder Path field, you will need it in step 6 below.
  5. Click on Manage Apps from the breadcrumbs links, click on the Browse button and select the generated owa-{version}.zip file in the owa/target folder of this project where {version} is this project version and then finally click the Upload button.
  6. Using your favorite editor, edit the file located at {owaAppFolderPath}/owa-{version}/js/config.js where {owaAppFolderPath} is the value you noted in step 4 above and {version} is this project version, then set the value of the dbSyncUrl to the URL of the sender/receiver console i.e. http://localhost:{server.port}

You are all set! To access the DB sync console, click on the installed owa from the Manage Apps page.

WARNING!! DO NOT expose the DB sync console on the public internet.

DB Sync Technical Overview

Sender Overview

The sender is really a spring boot application with custom camel routes management database.

When the application is fired up in sender mode, the built-in debezium route starts the debezium component which will periodically read entries in the MySQL binlog, it constructs an Event instance which has several fields with key fields being the source table name, the unique identifier of the affected row usually a uuid, the operation that triggered the event(c, u, d) which stand for Create, Update or Delete respectively. The debezium route sends the event to an intermediate event processor route which has some extra logic in it which in turn sends the event to the outbound DB sync route.

There is a built-in sender DB sync route that is registered as a listener for DB events, its job is to transform each message by loading the entity by its uuid, serialize it into a custom format and then publishes the payload to a configured sync destination, if you're using ActiveMQ to sync between the sender and receiver which is our recommended option, it means the message would be pushed to a sync queue in an external message broker that is shared with the receiving sync application.

Receiver Overview

The receiver is also a spring boot application with its own set of camel routes but instead running at another physical location with an OpenMRS installation.

Recall from the sender documentation above, that the out-bound DB sync listener route ends by publishing the payload of the entity to be synced to a destination shared with the receiving sync application usually a message broker, this is where the receiver starts, its receiver route connects to this external message broker, consumes messages out of sync queue and calls the DB sync route which syncs the associated entity to the destination OpenMRS instance's MySQL DB.

Conflict Resolution In The Receiver

The receiver has a built-in mechanism to detect conflicts between incoming and the existing state of the entity to be synced i.e. if someone edits a row in the receiver and an ‘older’ sync payload reaches the receiver, this implies the incoming data is most likely going to overwrite a change made at the receiver. Therefore, there is logic in the receiver so that if a record was edited on the receiver side and either its date changed or voided/retired is after both of those in the incoming payload, the application won't sync the entity and it will move the message to the receiver_conflict_queue table. Currently, to resolve the conflict, the entity has to be manually updated in the receiver or sender, then as it may dictate adjust date changed in the sender so that it is ahead of date voided/retired of the entity in the receiver and then mark the row as resolved in receiver_conflict_queue table.