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An EIP toolbox for OpenMRS: the OpenMRS Camel Component and a Spring Boot app to launch it.

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Key Things To Note
  3. OpenMRS Data Model Compatibility
  4. Installation Guide For DB Sync
  5. Architecture
    1. Modules
    2. Design Overview
    3. Project Main Dependencies
  6. Configuration
  7. Logging
  8. Management Database
  9. Error Handling And Retry Mechanism
  10. Conflict Resolution
  11. Sync Prioritization
  12. Sync Archive Pruning
  13. Binary Log Purging
  14. Requesting An Entity To Be Synced
  15. Reconciliation
  16. Handling OpenMRS Upgrades
  17. Adding A New Remote Facility
  18. Backups
  19. Developer Guide
    1. Build
    2. Tests


This project aims at providing a low-level OpenMRS synchronization mechanism based on Debezium and Apache Camel. Data is directly pulled from a source OpenMRS MySQL database and wired onto camel routes in an effort to integrate OpenMRS with other systems without any use of the OpenMRS Java API or data model. The project comes with 2 built-in end user sister applications to sync data from one OpeMRS MySQL DB to another.

Key Things To Note

  • Only specific database tables are watched i.e. only this set of tables get synced in case of DB sync. The list of these tables is defined by this TableToSyncEnum with the exception of the metadata tables with the assumption that metadata is already centrally managed using the available metadata sharing tools. In future releases we want to make the list of tables to watch or sync configurable.

  • The DB sync sender and receiver applications MUST be running on the same calendar system.

OpenMRS Data Model Compatibility

The application was initially built against the 2.3.x branch should be compatible with the data model of the OpenMRS core 2.3.0, in theory this implies there needs to a maintenance branch for every OpenMRS minor release that has any DB changes between it and it's ancestor, master should be compatible with the latest released OpenMRS version.



Note that in the diagram above we have 2 remote OpenMRS instances but they can be multiple.

Sender Architecture


Receiver Architecture



Below is the high level breakdown of what is contained in each module.


  • JPA annotated OpenMRS data model classes and repositories.
  • Services for loading and saving entities from and to the OpenMRS databases.
  • Model classes used for serialization and deserialization purposes by DB sync sender and receiver.
  • The OpenMRS DB datasource configuration.
  • Utility custom camel components used to load and save entities to and from the target databases.
  • Spring configurations and other utility classes


  • End user application for sending and receiving DB sync data between 2 OpenMRS databases, the application can be run in 2 modes i.e. sender and receiver by activating different spring profiles.
  • The built-in error handling and retry mechanism in case something goes wrong while processing an event.
  • The liquibase changelog files used to create the management database tables.
  • Management datasource configuration.
  • Common spring configurations for end user apps.
  • Base classes used for mapping to the management DB tables.


  • All the camel routes used when the application in run in sender mode
  • All the camel routes used when the application in run in receiver mode

Design Overview

The project has a classic architecture with a service layer and a DAO layer. Each action (to get or save entities) of the Camel endpoints comes with the name of the table upon which the action is performed. A facade (EntityServiceFacade) is used to select the correct service to get or save entities according to the table name passed as a parameter.

The project uses an embedded debezium engine to track insert, update and delete operations of rows in monitored OpenMRS tables, out of the box the only monitored tables are those containing patient demographic and clinical data, this implies that you need to configure MySQL binary logging in the source (sender) OpenMRS DB.

It's very important to note that technically when using this application for DB sync, this is DB to DB sync happening outside of the OpenMRS application, this has implications e.g if you sync something like person name, the search index needs to be triggered for a rebuild, the current receiver DB sync route internally triggers this rebuild for all known indexed entities from OpenMRS core, however it might not be up to date with later OpenMRS versions in case more indexed entities were added and of course module tables.

Once entities are retrieved from the database they are mapped to a model object. The model contains all non-structured fields of the OpenMRS object and follows a systematic rule for linked structured field: it only stores the UUID of the linked entities.

For example let us consider the OpenMRS Camel entities Observation, Encounter and Visit. The model corresponding to Visit is named VisitModel and will look like:

class Visit {

  private String uuid;


class VisitModel {

  private String uuid;


The model corresponding to Encounter is named EncounterModel and will look like:

class Encounter {

  private String uuid;

  private Visit visit;


class EncounterModel {

  private String uuid;

  private String visitUuid;


Note that for the sake of this readme we assume that each encounter must be linked to a visit. The model corresponding to Observation is named ObservationModel and will look like:

public class Observation {

  private String uuid;

  private Encounter encounter;


public class ObservationModel {

    private String uuid;

    private String encounterUuid;


The model object is then encapsulated in a wrapping SyncModel object that references the class of the object being synchronised, it is this wrapper that is in fact marshalled into a json string before being sent through the Camel routes.

Once the marshalled json string is received on the target side, its embedded model object is unmarshalled based on the object class referenced in the SyncModel. At this point the model object is reconstructed on the target side, still holding references to its linked entities as UUIDs. Such as for instance encounterUuid in the ObservationModel above.

Let us imagine the case of an Observation object being synchronised and arriving on the target end of the Camel route.

To reconstruct an Observation entity and its linked entities from an ObservationModel instance before saving it in the target database, the mapper will fetch and set each linked entity from the target database with their UUID.

  • If the linked entity already exists in the target database it will be set as it is fetched from the target database.
  • If the linked entity does not exist yet, it will create a so-called lightweight entity (LightEntity) carrying only the UUID of the linked entity and all its non-nullable non-entity members filled with default values (so typically default dates and other strings ... etc.)

When a non-nullable member of the linked light entity is also an entity, a placeholder voided (or retired) entity is set for this non-nullable member. After some cycles of synchronisation, placeholder entities should no longer be attached to any entity. For example:

Let us consider the following situation when an Observation is synchronized before its Encounter and before the encounter's Visit.

A lightweight Encounter with the correct UUID is created and saved into the target database before being set to the Observation, and before saving that Observation.
However this Encounter requires a non-nullable Visit about which we do not have any information at all yet. For this one a lightweight voided placeholder instance is used in order for the object tree ObservationEncounterVisit to have all its non-nullable entities set before saving the Observation.
Each set of entities (Visit, Ecnounter, Observation, ... ) can have at most one such voided placeholder instance that is always reused to fill this exact same purpose: fill non-nullable members of other entities. This means for instance that each time a placeholder Visit is needed it is always the same voided Visit that is used to fill that gap.

When the linked Encounter is eventually unmarshalled on the target side through a subsequent round of synchronization, it will contain the actual UUID of the Visit for which the voided placeholder was used. At that point the Encounter is thus saved in the target database with a lightweight Visit carrying the correct UUID rather than the placeholder lightweight visit.

When all synchronisation rounds have successfully completed all placeholders entities should be "detached", meaning that no other entities should be linked to them anymore.

The application uses Lombok to allow creating POJOs without coding their getters and setters. A plugin needs to be installed to the IDE to add setters and getters at compile time.

Project Main Dependencies


This project is built with spring boot therefore you can refer to spring boot's file to further configure the applications and documentation details of each property.

For the DB sync sender and receiver configuration, please refer to the DB sync installation guide.


The DB sync applications are spring boot applications and custom applications are also expected to be spring boot applications. The end user applications come with built-in logback files on the classpath i.e. logback-spring.xml and logback-console.xml, the logback-spring.xml file writes the logs to a file at {eip.home}/.openmrs-eip/logs where {eip.home} is the app installation directory. The logback-console.xml writes logs to the console, this can be useful in a dev environment and tests.

For camel-routes, you need to set the logging level using their route ids, for instance if a route id is my-route, then you set the logging level as below.

For built-in routes and all classes in this project, you can globally set their log level by setting the value of the openmrs.eip.log.level property in the file. For all other classes please refer to spring boot logging configurations

Management Database

Both DB sync applications (sender and receiver) come with an embedded management DB each where they store failed DB entity events for purposes of re-processing, the receiver app also stores the entities with conflicts in a table in this database

The management DB by default is an H2 database, it should be possible to use another DB system but we highly recommend those that are embeddable since they can be bootstrapped with the application, the DB should also reside on the same physical machine as the application to eliminate any possibility of being unreachable.

The management database(s) can be accessed from the browser at the http://localhost:{TOMCAT.PORT}/{H2.PATH} where {TOMCAT.PORT} and {H2.PATH} are the property values set in the associated properties files for server.port and spring.h2.console.path respectively. Note that the property spring.h2.console.enabled must be set to true to access the database console application.

Error Handling And Retry Mechanism

Both DB sync applications (sender and receiver) have a built-in error handling and retry mechanism in case something goes wrong during execution, the failed event gets pushed into respective error queues in the management database that comes as an embedded H2 database which can be accessed from a browser at a port and path configured in your file. The sender error queue is actually a table named sender_retry_queue. In theory this queue should be empty all the time, there is a retry route which periodically polls the error queue and attempts to reprocess the events. When a failed event is finally successfully re-processed, it gets removed out of the error queue. If an entity has an event in the error queue, all subsequent DB events for it are automatically pushed to the queue. It's highly recommended to take a look at this queue regularly for failed events, at least once day and address the root cause for failed events so that they can be re-processed. Otherwise, the retry route will indefinitely attempt to re-processs them. You can configure how often the retry queue should run, please refer to the configuration section.

The DB sync receiver application uses a table named receiver_retry_queue to store failed incoming DB sync messages, please refer to the configuration section.

Conflict Resolution

When an entity is modified in the OpenMRS receiver database, the next sync item for the same entity will cause a conflict and the receiver will move the item to the conflict queue, human adjudication is required to resolve the conflict. When resolving a conflict, the user is able to view side by side both the current state in the receiver database and the new one from the remote site to be able to select the winning state or merge the states, below are the possible conflict resolution decisions to select from.


The current state in the receiving database is preserved i.e. the entire state from the remote is effectively ignored and the item is archived immediately.


The new state from the remote site is synced as is i.e. the database state is effectively overwritten just like a regular sync and the item is moved to the retry queue to be synced.


A merged state is synced i.e. the user selects the specific entity properties that they wish to overwrite with the new values from the remote sites and preserve current databases values for other properties, the merged state is immediately synced and the item is moved to synced item queue.

To resolve a conflict from the UI, do the following.

  1. Navigate to the conflicts tab in the receiver and click on the row for the conflict you wish to resolve, you should see a dialog containing a state diff where green indicates added properties, yellow indicates modified properties, red indicates removed properties and others are unchanged.
  2. Select the decision option, if you select the MERGE option, you should go ahead to select the properties to be synced with the new values.
  3. Click the submit button.

Sync Prioritization

When the receiver DB sync server is overwhelmed with a high volume of items waiting in the sync queue, this can have negative implications to the centralization ecosystem e.g. the MPI data will be lagging behind remote sites since the integration mechanism depends on patient details to be synced first to the central database to get picked up implying patient lookups in the MPI would be searching against data that is not yet updated or still missing records. Therefore, it is important to process items from the sync queue as soon as possible which is why we have the sync prioritization feature in the receiver that allows the sync queue processor task to get as much CPU time as possible when the count of items in the sync queue is high, as opposed to always sharing CPU time with other less important tasks like response sender, archiver etc.

Sync prioritization feature is enabled by default but can be disabled, when enabled the application uses some smart logic to determine an optimal threshold size of items in the sync queue beyond which the prioritization kicks in, the optimal threshold size is based on available sync threads and the average time it takes to process a single sync item which is hard coded at 4 seconds.

To disable or customize the sync prioritization feature, please refer to the Sync Prioritization section in the receiver

Sync Archive Pruning

The DB sync sender and receiver applications maintain an archive of each and every sync in a database table, you can guess that after a long period of time, the tables can grow extremely large which would slow down the queries against them e.g. when loading the dashboards and DDL operations for the table would be very slow during upgrades. Therefore, a pruner task was added to each application to periodically delete all archives older than a configured age.

The pruning tasks are disabled by default but can be enabled and customized, please refer to the Sync Archives Pruning section in the sender and receiver files.

Binary Log Purging

This feature applies to the sender, the number of binary log files on the MySQL server can grow to the point where the server runs out of disk space, this feature allows the admin to configure the sender to periodically delete binary log files that have already been processed by debezium engine and maintain a specific count of processed binary log files.

Note that this feature uses the debezium user account defined via the debezium.db.user property in the sender, you MUST assign it this user the BINLOG_ADMIN privilege in MySQL for the feature to work.

The binary log purging task is disabled by default but can be enabled and customized, please refer to the Binary Log Purge Configuration section in the sender

Requesting An Entity To Be Synced

The application has a mechanism that allows the receiver to request for an entity to be synced from a specific remote site to central, this is done by inserting a row in the receiver_sync_request table with the following columns that you need to set,

table_name: The name of the database table containing the entity
identifier: The unique identifier of the entity typically the entity uuid
site_id: Foreign key value for the database id of the source remote site i.e. the id value of the site in the site_info table
date_created: The insertion datetime
request_uuid: The unique UUID of the sync request (Used to track the request when in the remote site once sent)

A sync request has a status field which defaults to NEW on insertion, every 30 minutes the receiver polls the receiver_sync_request table for rows with the NEW status and submits them to their respective target remote site queues in the artemis instance, there will be a queue name for each remote site where the name is of the format activemq:openmrs.sync.request.{SITE_IDENTIFIER} where {SITE_IDENTIFIER} is the value of the identifier column of the site row in the site_info table.


Some admins might wish to run a check to ensure all synced entities from remote sites do actually exist in the central database, this features allows this to be possible. Currently, it only verifies existence of entities both in remote and central, it does not verify that the row level data in central matches that in a remote site, the major blocker to doing row level comparison is that some entities can exist at multiple remote sites, therefore, no single site can be the source of truth for an entity until we come up with some business rules to select one, one possible criteria could be the site where the entity was last modified.

The way the reconciliation works is that central sends out a reconciliation request to each known remote site, central then periodically runs a task to check the status of each remote site's reconciliation. Upon receiving a reconciliation request, a remote site responds by taking a snapshot of each synced table to determine exactly how many existing rows to reconcile, any rows inserted after the snapshot is taken are excluded from the current reconciliation. The remote site scans each synced table and submits the entity uuids in batches for all the existing rows that were included in the snapshot including the uuids of any deleted rows that were in the snapshot, finally the remote site sends all known uuids of previously deleted rows. Central processes each batch of received uuids and verifies that each uuid exists in central, any uuid that does not exist results in a sync request generated for the associated entity matching the missing uuid. After all uuids are processed for each table for a single site, then that site's reconciliation date completed is set. After all site reconciliations have date completed set, summary reports are generated and inserted into the reconcile_table_summary table for each table and remote site, the summary includes the count of any missing entities, undeleted entities, missing and undeleted entities detected in the sync and error queues. Then finally reconciliation is marked as completed.

The reconciliation process is initiated from central, the task can be scheduled to run via the receiver application property named reconcile.schedule.cron it takes a spring cron expression. To disable, leave the value blank, please refer to spring's documentation on cron expressions, you can also refer to the CronExpression javadocs

The reconciliation task can also be triggered manually by inserting a row in the 'receiver_reconcile' table, the value of the identifier column is required to be unique.

Handling OpenMRS Upgrades

Below are known things that would need to be taken care of to update DBsync to work with later versions of OpenMRS,

  • Compare the database schemas to determine changes i.e. the schema of the current supported OpenMRS version and that one you wish to upgrade to, any database changes need to be applied to the associated entity classes.
  • Verify that cached and indexed tables both in OpenMRS and DB sync match otherwise update DBsync.

Adding A New Remote Facility

Below is the process to onboard a new remote site,

  • Register the remote site with the receiver for the province by inserting a new row for the site in the site_info table.
  • Install the sender instance, please see Sender Installation Guide
  • It's highly recommended to perform initial loading of all existing data, to achieve this set debezium.snapshotMode to initial in the sender file, be sure to set it back to schema_only after initial loading has completed.


It's highly recommended to backup the following,

  • The management databases both for the sender and receiver.
  • The debezium offset and history file for all remote sites.

Developer Guide


From the terminal, navigate to your working directory, clone and build the project to generate the executable artifacts by running the commands below.

git clone
cd openmrs-eip
git checkout 1.x
mvn clean install

Make sure the build completed successfully.


Unit ant Integration tests were only coded for the camel-openmrs Maven module. Integration tests are located in the app/src/it folder. They are run by default during the Maven test phase


An EIP toolbox for OpenMRS: the OpenMRS Camel Component and a Spring Boot app to launch it.






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