A one page CV template for Hugo.
Generates a nicely formatted CV from a markdown file. View Demo
This is a Simple one page CV template.
Make sure to Install hugo
Then Let's clone a basic example
git clone https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoBasicExample.git
Enter to the folder
cd hugoBasicExample
Let's clone this theme
git clone --recursive https://github.com/cssandstuff/hugo-theme-winning.git themes/winning
Copy _index.md from hugoBasicExample/themes/winning/exampleSite/content/_index.md to hugoBasicExample/content/_index.md This file shows you how you need to structure your markdown to best work with this theme.
cp themes/winning/exampleSite/content/_index.md content/_index.md
Let's start HUGO Server in the terminal
HUGO_THEME=winning hugo server
npm i html-pdf -g
Copy /exampleSite/generatepdf.js to the root of your hugo project and then run the following command.
node ./generatepdf.js
MIT Licensed, see LICENSE.