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Settings / Control Panel #42

Settings / Control Panel

Settings / Control Panel #42

GitHub Actions / ESLint completed Feb 13, 2024 in 1s

reviewdog [ESLint] report

reported by reviewdog 🐶

Findings (2)

src/services/notifyService.ts|5 col 18| 'post' is defined but never used. Allowed unused args must match /^_/u.
src/services/sponsorService.ts|1 col 10| 'Prisma' is defined but never used.

Filtered Findings (4)

src/components/Header/ThemeSelector/ThemeSelector.tsx|13 col 6| React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'setTheme'. Either include it or remove the dependency array.
src/prisma.ts|8 col 7| 'prisma' is defined but never used.
src/types/next-auth.d.ts|1 col 8| 'NextAuth' is defined but never used.
src/types/next-auth.d.ts|4 col 13| 'Session' is defined but never used.


Check warning on line 5 in src/services/notifyService.ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / ESLint

[eslint] src/services/notifyService.ts#L5 <unused-imports/no-unused-vars>(

'post' is defined but never used. Allowed unused args must match /^_/u.
Raw output
{"ruleId":"unused-imports/no-unused-vars","severity":1,"message":"'post' is defined but never used. Allowed unused args must match /^_/u.","line":5,"column":18,"nodeType":"Identifier","messageId":"unusedVar","endLine":5,"endColumn":53}

Check warning on line 1 in src/services/sponsorService.ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / ESLint

[eslint] src/services/sponsorService.ts#L1 <unused-imports/no-unused-imports>(

'Prisma' is defined but never used.
Raw output
{"ruleId":"unused-imports/no-unused-imports","severity":1,"message":"'Prisma' is defined but never used.","line":1,"column":10,"nodeType":"Identifier","messageId":"unusedVar","endLine":1,"endColumn":16,"fix":{"range":[0,41],"text":""}}