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athenz-identityprovider policy

Configuration for Open Policy Agent

Some can be overwritten by environment variable

environment variable name config field default value example value description
N/A config.debug `` true Set true to enable debug logging
N/A "" "athenz" Athenz Domain name for the identity certificates (K8s Namespace will be set implicitly if this is empty)
N/A config.constraints.athenz.domain.prefix "" cloud-tld.region. Athenz Domain prefix to restrict issueing identity certificates
N/A config.constraints.athenz.domain.suffix "" .copperargos.provider Athenz Domain suffix to restrict issueing identity certificates
N/A config.constraints.athenz.identityprovider.service "" identityprovider A full name of Athenz Service for the cloud provider service
N/A config.constraints.cert.expiry.defaultminutes `` 43200 Default certificate expiry minutes if there are no specified value from the client
N/A config.constraints.cert.expiry.maxminutes `` 43200 Maximum certificate expiry minutes to limit the client request
N/A config.constraints.cert.refresh `` true To allow refreshing identity certificates
N/A config.constraints.cert.sandns.[].glob [] [{"glob": "*.*.svc.cluster.local"}, {"glob": "**"}] SAN DNS constraints for server certificate
N/A config.constraints.keys.jwks.url `` An URL to retrieve JWK Set for verifying Kubernetes Service Account Token
N/A config.constraints.keys.jwks.cacert `` /var/run/secrets/ A CA certificate file path to intract with the JWK Set endpoint
N/A config.constraints.keys.jwks.force_cache_duration_seconds `` 3600 Cache duration for the retrieved JWK Set (set 0 to disable caching)
N/A config.constraints.keys.apinodes.url `` API Endpoint URL (most likely kube-apiserver) to retrieve JWK Set endpoints
N/A config.constraints.keys.static `` "" A static keys to verify Kubernetes Service Account Token (in pem or jwks format)
N/A config.constraints.kubernetes.namespaces [] ["kube-system"] Kubernetes Namespaces to restrict accepting Kubernetes Service Account Token
N/A config.constraints.kubernetes.serviceaccount.names [] ["identityprovider"] Kubernetes Service Account names to restrict accepting Kubernetes Service Account Token
N/A config.constraints.kubernetes.serviceaccount.token.issuer `` https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local Kubernetes Service Account issuer to restrict accepting Kubernetes Service Account Token
N/A config.constraints.kubernetes.serviceaccount.token.audience `` https://kubernetes.default.svc Kubernetes Service Account audience to restrict accepting Kubernetes Service Account Token

Verification keys for Kubernetes ServiceAccount Token

In order to verify the Kubernetes ServiceAccount Token, at least one option must be specified.

  1. JWK Set Endpoint
    • config.constraints.keys.jwks.url
    • config.constraints.keys.jwks.cacert
    • config.constraints.keys.jwks.force_cache_duration_seconds
  2. API Endpoint URL (most likely kube-apiserver) to retrieve JWK Set endpoints
    • config.constraints.keys.apinodes.url
  3. A static keys to verify Kubernetes Service Account Token (in pem or jwks format)
    • config.constraints.keys.static

How to test

opa test -v {policy,test}/*.rego {policy,test}/*.yaml

to see test coverage,

opa test -cv {policy,test}/*.rego {policy,test}/*.yaml

How to prepare for the test

How to generate key pairs

openssl genrsa 2048 > test/private.key.pem
openssl rsa -in test/private.key.pem -pubout > test/public.key.pem

How to generate a test jwk

step crypto jwk create --alg RS256 --kid jIoPyoDK6l7wdT2vEh_4b9sUGwCuVBz1L9z4hbd4Vbo --from-pem=test/private.key.pem --no-password --insecure -f test/public.jwk.json test/private.jwk.json

How to generate a test jwt

cat test/mock.yaml | yq .mock.jwt.body | dasel -ryaml -wjson | step crypto jws sign --alg RS256 --kid jIoPyoDK6l7wdT2vEh_4b9sUGwCuVBz1L9z4hbd4Vbo --key test/private.key.pem

How to test verifying jwt

With JWK file

cat test/mock.yaml | yq .mock.jwk > test/public.jwk.json
cat test/mock.yaml | yq .mock.instance.input.attestationData | step crypto jwt verify --key test/public.jwk.json --iss https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local --aud https://kubernetes.default.svc

With PEM file

cat test/mock.yaml | yq .mock.instance.input.attestationData | step crypto jwt verify --key test/public.key.pem --alg RS256 --iss https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local --aud https://kubernetes.default.svc

How to test with server

How to run server

opa run --server --config-file=$(pwd)/local/config.yaml --addr= --ignore=.* --disable-telemetry policy/*.rego local/policy/config.yaml

How to input Kubernetes Pod data

curl -svX PUT -H"Content-Type:application/json" -H"Authorization: Bearer $(cat test/mock.yaml | yq .mock.instance.input.attestationData)" -d"$(cat test/mock.yaml | yq .mock.pods -ojson)"

How to make attestation request

curl -svX POST -H'Content-Type:application/json' -d@test/request.json
curl -svX POST -H'Content-Type:application/json' -d@test/request.json


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