Style Classification Community Feature Learning
This project is used to classify artistic style by community feature learning
- python==3.9.18
- pytorch==1.12.0
- torchvision==0.13.0
- pillow==10.0.1
- cudatoolkit==11.3.1
- cv2 # pip install opencv-python
- matploplib==3.8.2
- tqdm==4.66.1 # pip install tqdm
- matplatlib==3.8.2 # pip install matplotlib
- scipy==1.11.4 # pip install scipy
- create 'data' folder for training data, i.e., 'data/Painting91/'
- create 'features' folder for saving data features, i.e., 'features/painting91_vgg16.npy'
- create 'pretrainModels' for pretrained model downloaded form huggingface All the files in 'data', 'features', 'pretrainedModels' and 'backup' are uploaded to Baidu YunPan.
The full codes will be released after the paper published.
The training codes and pre-trained models will be released soon.
Painting91 | Pandora | WikiArt3 | Arch | FashionStyle14 | AVAStyle | |
VGG16 | 58.42 | 49.73 | 40.02 | 61.41 | 68.22 | 39.94 |
VGG19 | 58.11 | 46.44 | 39.93 | 60.11 | 66.14 | 40.02 |
ResNet50 | 64.93 | 51.65 | 47.01 | 65.12 | 71.13 | 40.05 |
Resnet101 | 65.50 | 52.61 | 46.11 | 66.42 | 70.00 | 47.02 |
InceptionV3 | 53.41 | 42.83 | 36.68 | 61.52 | 62.70 | 33.33 |
DAE | 58.82 | 48.71 | 41.48 | 58.55 | 61.48 | 41.46 |
SAE | 63.65 | 48.64 | 41.53 | 59.61 | 74.33 | 40.29 |
SSCAE | 64.07 | 49.38 | 43.65 | 60.48 | 75.02 | 45.77 |
DDS | 62.21 | 52.35 | 43.17 | / | / | / |
MCFFNet | 66.60 | 51.39 | 45.51 | 66.12 | 68.38 | 42.69 |
STACLE | 60.41 | 55.80 | 47.21 | 60.81 | 64.47 | 46.38 |
TCFL+VGG16(TOP1) | 67.39 | 56.67 | 47.85 | 65.57 | 71.67 | 47.22 |
TCFL+VGG16(TOP2) | 83.19 | 74.92 | 66.99 | 78.12 | 85.69 | 63.92 |
TCFL+VGG16(TOP3) | 92.27 | 84.52 | 78.22 | 85.05 | 91.11 | 75.74 |
TCFL+ResNet50(TOP1) | 69.12 | 56.98 | 51.62 | 69.03 | 77.17 | 53.94 |
TCFL+ResNet50(TOP2) | 85.29 | 76.15 | 69.11 | 81.82 | 87.44 | 68.68 |
TCFL+ResNet50(TOP3) | 92.27 | 84.52 | 78.22 | 85.05 | 91.10 | 75.74 |
- finish the feature extraction code frame.
- finish the dataloader for new dataset, such as painting91, pandora etc.
- run the original dae project on painting91 for 1000 iterations
- run the original dae codes on painting91 with smaller learning rate, 0.00001 ... , see the CLS-accuracy
- test multi linear layers for classification model
- add output log recording
- delete the noise adding function on (1)
- add the cdae module into 5, test the accuracy
- add more Conv2d layer for single cdae into 2, test the accuracy
- change the input into feature mode
- test different loss function in sae
- how to identify the style level?
- try random set the style levels
- add level attribute in Dataset
- add the style level computation into the painting91 to test the SSCAE
- make the generated new features into the circle
- add setLevels function in
- combine vgg16 and resnet50 sae class into one unified class
- combine image and features sae class into one unified class
- change the specified initialization process into the auto initialization with legal variables
- add ae2 ae3
- add different style level attribute in sae class
- find unsupervised cluster algorithm to set the style level
- compute the average centroid
- compute the distance from centroid
- finish the style level set based on Euclidean distance
- add different loss calculation for different sae class
- add the NN features calculation codes
- add classification loss into the sae loss, see what will happen
- re-write CDAutoEncoder class, the backward_pass should be changed
- find style similarity algorithms to replace the L2-norm
- customize loss class in 'utils/'
- try KL-diverge algorithm to calculate the style similarity
- try cos_similarity to calculate the style similarity
- try cityblock distance
- try chebyshev distance
- try DotProductSimilarity
- try the diamond type of SLAE
- add diamond sae
- add dsc1, dsc2, dsc3
- try different activation function when the dsc layers are three
- try LeakReLU
- try ELU
- try SiLU
- try Mish
- try stacked one layer, instead the dsc1, dsc2, dsc3
- try two dsc1, see the CLS-accuracy
- try the parallel dsc model under the current circumstance
- try the jump-connection between different dsc cells