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What is this?

This project provides a set of tools for testing the correctness of solutions in coding competitions. Because scripts are all command-line interface (CLI), the project is independent of text editors/ IDEs. vscode and nvim are the recommended text editors.

This project is in the early stage of development, so there is a lot of room for improvement. Nevertheless, it is mature enough for casual coding competition.



  1. Bazel build system
  2. Java JDK 11+ for running the simple task editor interface

Step by step installation

  1. Clone the repo and run bazel run //:install.
  2. Create your workspace directory with sub directories:
    • task
    • archive
    • output
  3. Create new task and solve problem

Workspace Configuration

Sample Configuration

This file should named project_config.json and place directly on the top level the your workspace folder.

  "root": "/Users/cunbidun/competitive_programming", // your workspace folder
  "task_editor_exec": "java -jar ~/.local/share/cpcli/frontend/TaskConfigEditor.jar",
  "cpp_compiler": "g++",
  "cpp_compile_flag": "-DLOCAL -O2 -std=c++17",
  "cpp_debug_flag": "-DLOCAL -Wall -Wshadow -std=c++17 -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG",
  "use_precompiled_header": false,
  "use_cache": true

Sample folder structure

<your workspace>
├── archive
│   ├── Archive
│   ├── AtCoder - ACL Beginner Contest
│   ├── TopCoder SRM #456
│   ├── Topcoder - TCO 2021 Regional Qualifier 1 DIV 1
│   ├── Topcoder 2021 Round 1B
│   ├── Topcoder Open Algo 2019
│   ├── Unsorted
│   └──
├── include
│   ├── genlib.hpp
│   ├── interactive.hpp
│   └── testlib.h
├── output
│   └── solution.cpp
├── project_config.json
├── task
│   └── F - Keep Connect
│       ├── config.json
│       └── solution.cpp
└── template
    ├── checker.template
    ├── gen.template
    ├── interactor.template
    └── solution.template

Please take a look at the archive folder for more information.

Sample invocation

$ cpcli_app --project-config=project_config.json task --root-dir="/Users/cunbidun/competitive_programming/task/F - Keep Connect" --build
Num Attribute Type Description Default value
1 task_dir string Directory for storing current task
2 output_dir string Compiled solution will be copy to this directory (so you know where to look for file for submission) ""
3 template_dir string Directory for storing template (check the repo template folder for more info) ""
4 archive_dir string Directory for archiving completed task (check the repo archive folder for more info) ""
6 include_dir string Store libs here
5 task_editor_exec string Executable frontend to edit task config.json Ugly java UI
7 cpp_compile_flag string Cpp normal complier flag "-DLOCAL -static -O2 -std=c++17"
8 cpp_debug_flag string Cpp debug flag "-DLOCAL -Wall -Wshadow -std=c++17 -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG"
9 use_precompiled_header bool use precompiled headers true
10 use_cache bool Enable cache true

Task Configuration

Here is an example: problem E. Trees of Tranquillity has the following configuration:

  "timeLimit": 3000,
  "tests": [
      "output": "1",
      "input": "1",
      "index": 0,
      "active": true
      "output": "2",
      "input": "2",
      "index": 1,
      "active": true
  "name": "E. Trees of Tranquillity",
  "group": "Codeforces - Codeforces Round #722 (Div. 2)"
  "truncateLongTest": false,
  "checker": "custom",

  "url": "",

  "useGeneration": true,
  "numTest": 10,
  "knowGenAns": true,
  "genParameters": "",
  "generatorSeed": "",

  "interactive": false,
  "stopAtWrongAnswer": false,

  "hideAcceptedTest": false,

There are 16 attributes:

Num Attribute Type Description Default value
1 timeLimit int Problem's time limit in millisecond (1000ms = 1s) 10000
2 tests array of test objects An array to store test cases, each of them is a json object. For each test, the input field is required, but the output field is optional. []
3 name string The name of the problem, usually the task's name or id number. ""
4 group string The name of the contest, used for archive. ""
5 truncateLongTest boolean Test cases could be really long, so there is high chance that they will cause performance problem. This option is for truncation the test's content when printing. Truncated test will only print the first and the last 35 characters. false
6 * checker string Name of the checker token_checker
7 url string The url of the problem. And be used for auto submit ""
8 useGeneration boolean For most of problems, sample cases are not enough. This is a tool for generating more test cases. false
9 numTest number Number of generated test cases. 0
10 knowGenAns boolean If we have slow.cpp for generating test cases output false
11 genParameters string Parameters for the generator. Currently unused. ""
12 generatorSeed string Generator seed. ""
13 interactive boolean For interactive problems. false
14 stopAtWrongAnswer boolean If this option is set to true, the testing process will stop after encounter a wrong answer, rte, or tle test cases. false
15 hideAcceptedTest boolean Hide accepted test cases information true

Others checker included:

  1. double_4: checking up to 4 decimals digit
  2. double_6: checking up to 6 decimals digit
  3. double_9: checking up to 9 decimals digit
  4. token_checker: compare output files token by token
  5. custom: user's custom checker


Environment Setup

The recommend text editor for developing this project is vscode

  1. Build the project

    bazel run //:install
  2. Build compile_commands.json for autocomplete

    bazel run @hedron_compile_commands//:refresh_all
  3. .vscode setup

    Create a .vscode at the top level directory of the repository

    ├── c_cpp_properties.json
    └── settings.json

    c_cpp_properties.json content:

      "configurations": [
          "name": "cpcli_app",
          "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/compile_commands.json"
      "version": 4

    settings.json content:

     "java.project.referencedLibraries": [

Build and Run Java Test Editor

bazel run //default/task_editor/java_task_editor --  -r ~/cpcli/default/task_editor -p ~/cpcli/default/task_editor/config.json

Build and run GTest

bazel test --test_output=all //core/test:cpcli_test

Build code coverage report

Make sure you have lcov installed

bazel coverage //core/test:cpcli_test --coverage_report_generator="@bazel_tools//tools/test/CoverageOutputGenerator/java/com/google/devtools/coverageoutputgenerator:Main" --instrumentation_filter="//..."
genhtml --output coverage "$(bazel info output_path)/_coverage/_coverage_report.dat"
open coverage/index.html

Build Documentations


Make sure to have sphinx and sphinx-rtd-theme installed

$ pip install -U sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme

Build and run docs

$ cd docs
$ make clean html
$ open build/html/index.html


  1. The project is heavily inspired by Egor Kulikov's idea-chelper.

  2. Checkers and generators use Mike Mirzayanov's testlib

  3. The precompiled header feature is inspired by Dushyant Singh's script Speed-Up-GCC-Compile-Time.