CoprHD Cli (viprcli) scripts to setup and teardown for testing via command-line
- All-in-one Vagrant setup ( which includes VMs for Devstack, ScaleIO and CoprHD
- This repo will be cloned as part of Pre-req 1 in /opt/storageos/coprhd_cli_scripts
- Modify coprhd_settings file to match your environment (IPs, Passwords, etc)
##Execution Flow
- Make sure coprhd_settings matches your environment (Passwords, URLs, etc)
- Source the coprhd_settings file
- Choose your desired Config below - either Config1 or Config2
- ./coprhd -s
- This will add: ScaleIO as a Storage Provider/Backend, ScaleIO network, Virtual Array and Create a ThickSATA Virtual Pool
- ./coprhd -o
- This will perform everything in the (Easy Button) step, plus:
- Register Keystone as Auth provider
- Add Admin Tenant and Project
- Update Devstack to use CoprHD as Volume Service
- ./coprhd -d
- This will delete all traces of CoprHD setup (remove Auth provider, VPool, Varray, Project, Tenant)
- Note: This doesn't revert the Keystone Endpoint back to Using Cinder as VolumeV2 service
- ./coprhd -c