This vagrant environment will download, provision, and launch the simulators that can be used with CoprHD for Sanity Testing. This includes the LDAP Simulator, Cisco MDS Simulator, Windows Host Simulator, VPlex Simuator, and SMIS Storage Simulator.
- vagrant
- Nice-to-have: vagrant-cachier for caching packages - really speeds up subsequent installs
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
- virtualbox
- Modify the Vagrantfile for the Host-only network you want to create/use for Virtual Machine (VM)
- Launch/Provision the VM
vagrant up
- Note: The first time the VM is launched, all the packages will be downloaded, configured, and deployed. Subsequent boots will only start the already-downloaded simulators and will be much faster. If something goes wrong, you can easily wipe out the VM and start over with 'vagrant destroy' and then 'vagrant up'
vagrant ssh
Modify the sanity.conf (coprhd-controller/tools/tests/conf) file in two areas:
- HW_SIMULATOR_IP: Set this to the IP address of this VM, which is set in Vagrantfile
- SIMULATOR_CISCO_MDS_PW: Set this to "vagrant" as that is the root password for this VM
To run the quick sanity tests, from the coprhd-controller/tools/tests directory:
% ./sanity conf/sanity.conf <ip_address_of_coprhd> quick
NOTE: If you've changed the System/CoprHD default password of "ChangeMe", you should set the SYSTEM_PASSWORD variable:
% export SYSTEM_PASSWORD=<password>
% SYSTEM_PASSWORD=<password> ./sanity conf/sanity.conf <ip_address_of_coprhd> quick