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Add puzzle solution for 2023, day 23
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curtislb committed Jun 10, 2024
1 parent 06ddf04 commit 21296f8
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Showing 19 changed files with 752 additions and 32 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ includes:
* [Advent of Code 2019][aoc-2019-link] (Days 1-25)
* [Advent of Code 2020][aoc-2020-link] (Days 1-25)
* [Advent of Code 2021][aoc-2021-link] (Days 1-25)
* [Advent of Code 2023][aoc-2023-link] (Days 1-22)
* [Advent of Code 2023][aoc-2023-link] (Days 1-23)

## Getting Started

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions build.gradle.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,4 +321,7 @@ dependencies {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class ArrayQueue<E> : Collection<E> {

* Returns a new instance of [ArrayQueue] with the specified [elements] in FIFO order.
* Returns a new instance of [ArrayQueue] with the given [elements] in FIFO order.
fun <T> arrayQueueOf(vararg elements: T): ArrayQueue<T> = ArrayQueue<T>().apply {
for (element in elements) {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ enum class Direction(private val clockwiseIndex: Int) {
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If [char] has no corresponding direction.
fun fromChar(char: Char): Direction = when (char) {
'U', 'u' -> UP
'R', 'r' -> RIGHT
'D', 'd' -> DOWN
'L', 'l' -> LEFT
'U', 'u', '^' -> UP
'R', 'r', '>' -> RIGHT
'D', 'd', 'v' -> DOWN
'L', 'l', '<' -> LEFT
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("No direction for char: $char")
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions common/graph/build.gradle.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ dependencies {
val junitJupiterVersion: String by properties
val junitPlatformVersion: String by properties

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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.graph

import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.collection.arrayQueueOf

* A graph consisting of unique nodes of type [V], connected by directed edges.
Expand All @@ -17,26 +19,21 @@ abstract class UnweightedGraph<V> {
* or until [process] returns `true`, indicating that the search should be terminated early.
fun bfsApply(source: V, process: (node: V, distance: Long) -> Boolean) {
val searchQueue = ArrayDeque<Pair<V, Long>>().apply { addLast(Pair(source, 0L)) }
val visited = mutableSetOf<V>()
while (searchQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (node, distance) = searchQueue.removeFirst()

// Ignore this node if it was previously visited
if (node in visited) {

// Process this node, terminating the search if necessary
val nodeQueue = arrayQueueOf(source)
val distanceMap = mutableMapOf(source to 0L)
while (nodeQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
// Dequeue and process the next node, terminating if necessary
val node = nodeQueue.poll()
val distance = distanceMap[node]!!
if (process(node, distance)) {

// Enqueue all unvisited neighboring nodes with distances
// Enqueue all new neighboring nodes, and set their distances
for (neighbor in getNeighbors(node)) {
if (neighbor !in visited) {
searchQueue.addLast(Pair(neighbor, distance + 1L))
if (neighbor !in distanceMap) {
distanceMap[neighbor] = distance + 1L
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ abstract class WeightedGraph<V> {
heuristic: (node: V) -> Long,
isGoal: (node: V) -> Boolean
): Long? {
val distanceMap = mutableMapOf(source to 0L)
val nodeHeap = MinimumHeap<V>().apply { addOrDecreaseKey(source, heuristic(source)) }
val distanceMap = mutableMapOf(source to 0L)
while (!nodeHeap.isEmpty()) {
// Check the next node with the lowest f-score
val (node, _) = nodeHeap.popMinimum()
Expand All @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ abstract class WeightedGraph<V> {
val oldDistance = distanceMap[edge.node]
val newDistance = distance + edge.weight
if (oldDistance == null || oldDistance > newDistance) {
distanceMap[edge.node] = newDistance
nodeHeap.addOrDecreaseKey(edge.node, newDistance + heuristic(edge.node))
distanceMap[edge.node] = newDistance
Expand All @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ abstract class WeightedGraph<V> {
* If there is no path from [source] to any goal node, this function instead returns `null`.
fun dijkstraDistance(source: V, isGoal: (node: V) -> Boolean): Long? {
val visited = mutableSetOf<V>()
val nodeHeap = MinimumHeap<V>().apply { addOrDecreaseKey(source, 0L) }
val visited = mutableSetOf<V>()
while (!nodeHeap.isEmpty()) {
// Check the next node with the shortest distance
val (node, distance) = nodeHeap.popMinimum()
Expand All @@ -77,14 +77,18 @@ abstract class WeightedGraph<V> {


// Update the shortest known distance to each unvisited neighbor
for (edge in getEdges(node)) {
if (edge.node !in visited) {
val oldDistance = nodeHeap[edge.node]
val newDistance = distance + edge.weight
if (oldDistance == null || oldDistance > newDistance) {
nodeHeap.addOrDecreaseKey(edge.node, newDistance)
// Process edges from this node and update distances to neighbors
for ((neighbor, edgeWeight) in getEdges(node)) {
// Don't re-add a previously visited node
if (neighbor in visited) {

// Update the shortest known distance if needed
val oldDistance = nodeHeap[neighbor]
val newDistance = distance + edgeWeight
if (oldDistance == null || oldDistance > newDistance) {
nodeHeap.addOrDecreaseKey(neighbor, newDistance)
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions settings.gradle.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -502,3 +502,8 @@ include("year2023:day21:part2")

// Day 23: A Long Walk
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions year2023/day23/hike/build.gradle.kts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
plugins {
val kotlinVersion: String by System.getProperties()
val koverVersion: String by System.getProperties()

kotlin("jvm") version kotlinVersion
id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover") version koverVersion

dependencies {
val assertjVersion: String by properties
val junitJupiterVersion: String by properties
val junitPlatformVersion: String by properties

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
package com.curtislb.adventofcode.year2023.day23.hike

import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.collection.arrayQueueOf
import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.geometry.Direction
import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.geometry.Point
import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.grid.Grid
import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.grid.forEachPointValue
import com.curtislb.adventofcode.common.grid.mutableGridOf

* A 2D grid of tiles representing a collection of interconnected hiking trails that span the height
* of the grid.
* @property grid A grid of [Tile]s that makes up the map of hiking trails. The grid must have at
* least one [Tile.PATH] tile in each of its first and last rows.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the [grid] does not have a [Tile.PATH] tile in each of its
* first and last rows.
class HikingTrailMap(private val grid: Grid<Tile>) {
* The position of the starting path tile in the first row of the grid.
private val startPosition: Point

* The position of the goal path tile in the last row of the grid.
private val goalPosition: Point

init {
// Find the grid position of the starting path tile
val startColumnIndex = grid.firstRow().indexOf(Tile.PATH)
require(startColumnIndex != -1) { "Grid must have a path tile in the first row" }
startPosition = Point.fromMatrixCoordinates(0, startColumnIndex)

// Find the grid position of the goal path tile
val goalColumnIndex = grid.lastRow().indexOf(Tile.PATH)
require(goalColumnIndex != -1) { "Grid must have a path tile in the last row" }
goalPosition = Point.fromMatrixCoordinates(grid.lastRowIndex, goalColumnIndex)

* Returns the length of the longest walking path from the starting tile (in the first grid row)
* to the goal tile (in the last grid row), without stepping on the same tile more than once.
* If there is no walkable path from the starting tile to the goal tile, this function instead
* returns -1.
* If [isIcy] is `true`, slope tiles (e.g. [Tile.SLOPE_UP]) are considered to be icy, meaning it
* is only possible to step onto an adjacent tile in the "downhill" direction for that slope.
fun findLongestPathDistance(isIcy: Boolean = true): Int {
// Find all relevant "waypoints" in the grid
val waypoints = mutableSetOf(startPosition, goalPosition)
grid.forEachPointValue { point, char ->
if (char.isWalkable && isWaypoint(point)) {

// Use BFS to construct a "weighted graph" of edges between waypoints
val waypointEdgesMap = mutableMapOf<Point, MutableMap<Point, Int>>()
for (source in waypoints) {
val pointQueue = arrayQueueOf(source)
val distanceMap = mutableMapOf(source to 0)
while (pointQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val point = pointQueue.poll()
val distance = distanceMap[point]!!

// Stop searching along path when a waypoint is found
if (point in waypoints && point != source) {
waypointEdgesMap.getOrPut(source) { mutableMapOf() }[point] = distance

// Enqueue adjacent tiles that are walkable and unvisited
for (neighbor in getWalkableNeighbors(point, isIcy)) {
if (neighbor !in distanceMap) {
distanceMap[neighbor] = distance + 1

return maxDistanceToGoal(startPosition, waypointEdgesMap, visitedSet = mutableSetOf())

* Returns the positions of all tiles onto which it's possible to step from the tile at the
* specified grid [position].
* If [isIcy] is `true`, slope tiles (e.g. [Tile.SLOPE_UP]) are considered to be icy, meaning it
* is only possible to step onto an adjacent tile in the "downhill" direction for that slope.
private fun getWalkableNeighbors(position: Point, isIcy: Boolean): List<Point> {
return when (val tile = grid[position]) {
// Can step from a normal path tile onto any adjacent tile
Tile.PATH -> position.cardinalNeighbors().filter(::isWalkable)

// Shouldn't be possible to step onto a forest tile
Tile.FOREST -> emptyList()

// Can only step in the "downhill" direction from an icy slope
if (isIcy) {
val direction = Direction.fromChar(tile.symbol)
val neighbor = position.move(direction)
if (isWalkable(neighbor)) listOf(neighbor) else emptyList()
} else {

* Returns `true` if it is possible to step onto the tile at the specified grid [position].
private fun isWalkable(position: Point) = grid.getOrNull(position)?.isWalkable == true

* Returns `true` if the tile at the specified grid [position] satisfies *any* of the following
* criteria:
* - It is the starting path tile.
* - It is the goal path tile.
* - It is adjacent to 3+ walkable tiles.
private fun isWaypoint(position: Point): Boolean {
return position == startPosition ||
position == goalPosition ||
position.cardinalNeighbors().count(::isWalkable) > 2

* Returns the maximum distance from [source] to the goal position by following weighted edges
* in the specified [edgesMap] and without visiting any position more than once, including
* any previously visited positions in the given [visitedSet].
* If it is no path from [source] to the goal that satisfies the above conditions, this function
* instead returns -1.
private fun maxDistanceToGoal(
source: Point,
edgesMap: Map<Point, Map<Point, Int>>,
visitedSet: MutableSet<Point>
): Int {
// Distance from the goal to itself is 0
if (source == goalPosition) {
return 0

// Set default distance for if no path is found
var maxDistance = -1

// Mark source as visited

// Check recursively for the maximum distance from all neighbors
for ((neighbor, distance) in edgesMap[source]!!) {
// Don't check a previously visited position
if (neighbor in visitedSet) {

// Check distance from neighbor and save it if needed
val neighborDistance = maxDistanceToGoal(neighbor, edgesMap, visitedSet)
if (neighborDistance >= 0) {
maxDistance = maxOf(maxDistance, distance + neighborDistance)

// Unmark source as visited (backtrack)

return maxDistance

companion object {
* Returns an instance of [HikingTrailMap] with the tile grid read from the given [file].
* The [file] must contain lines of equal length, where each character represents the [Tile]
* at the corresponding grid position.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If [file] is formatted incorrectly.
fun fromFile(file: File): HikingTrailMap {
val grid = mutableGridOf<Tile>()
file.forEachLine { line ->
val row = { Tile.fromChar(it) }
return HikingTrailMap(grid)

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