Enh: Add an option in the module configuration for menus to display a border instead of a background color
Chg: The body class is-guest
is now hh-ct-is-guest
Chg: "Hide the top and bottom menus on scroll down" and "Hide the text of the bottom menu buttons" features are now disabled by default
Fix: Bottom menu on mobile: when "Hide the text of the bottom menu buttons" is enabled, long texts are truncated
Enh: use --hh-ct-font-size
CSS variable for buttons
Fix: Border radius of top left and right cards
Fix: Vertical alignment of the search button in the top menu
Fix: Ensure that the notification and messenger unread counter is round when it contains only one digit
Fix: In forms, images should not have rounded corners
Fix: Top bar when no logo or when the logo aspect ratio is very different from 1:1
Fix: Space menu width on mobile
Fix: Top bar notification items
Chg: Force some fonts to 14px (instead of the value in the configuration)
Chg: Font size and weight in Profile header to match the Space header one, and smaller font size on mobile screens
Enh: Add clean-theme/generate-dynamic-css-file
command to generate the CSS file if the module is installed by cloning the GitHub repository
You can’t perform that action at this time.