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Output File Formats

Tim Büchner edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 3 revisions

Facial Feature Extraction

The output file for the facial feature extraction is always a .csv file with ; as a chosen separator. The file will be created automatically next to the video file with the current timestamp. The file only uses ASCII symbols and contains a header row. Each column in the header describes the extracted facial feature and gives a state of the extraction validity. Each row represents a single frame incl, including according to the frame id inside the video.

In the image below, you can see such an extraction result:

  • frame: the actual frame id inside the video
  • EAR2D6_l: the according EAR2D6 score for the left eye at the according frame
  • EAR2D6_r: the according EAR2D6 score for the right eye at the according frame
  • EAR2D6_valid: is True or False if the computation of the EAR score was valid, e.g., all landmarks were in the image, values were within a logical range, etc.
  • BS_Valid: is True or False if the extraction of the facial blendshapes was valid, e.g., the face was unmistakable.
