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Process to cluster marks set by Volunteers on zooniverse


Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 are tested. To install the required packages, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If the installation doesn't work, try to install the packages as they are install by github:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

installing panoptes aggregation

# pip install panoptes_aggregation # this fails because the hdbscan cannot be built.

pip install -U git+


The process is split in two steps. The first is extracting a flat datastructure using the panoptes aggregation package from zooniverse. This data prep is bundled in this Notebook Panoptes Data Prep. These require the classification report "iguanas-from-above-classifications.csv" and the subjects export "iguanas-from-above-subjects.csv". An alternative was developed using a custom iterator 010_zooniverse_data_prep.

The Notebook Zooniverse_Clustering illustrates the process to cluster the marks set by volunteers on zooniverse. The necessary data from the previous step is in the data folder. The file "flat_panoptes_points_[phase]" are the point marks in a flat table structure. "panoptes_questions_[phase]" contains the Yes/No Answers by the volunteers.

Run jupyterlab first via

jupyter lab

It requires some files defined in the file. They are relative to the input_path, so if the file "iguanas-from-above-classifications.csv" is located at "/User/ABC/IguanasFromAbove/2023-10-15/iguanas-from-above-classifications.csv" the input_path needs to be /User/ABC but the config is set.

from pathlib import Path

def get_config(phase_tag, input_path, output_path=None):
    configs = {}
    if output_path is None:
        output_path = input / Path("current_analysis").joinpath(phase_tag)
    configs["Iguanas 1st launch"] = {
        # classifications downloaded from zooniverse
        "annotations_source": input_path.joinpath("IguanasFromAbove/2023-10-15/iguanas-from-above-classifications.csv"),
        # gold standard datatable with the expert count, used for filtering the dataset
        "goldstandard_data": input_path / Path(
        # which images/subject ids to consider. filters the data.
        # images for plot on them
        "image_source": input_path.joinpath("Images/Zooniverse_Goldstandard_images/1st launch"),

While "annotations_source" is the zooniverse classification export, goldstandard_data and gold_standard_image_subset are used for filtering need to contain the subject_id of the images.


subject_id Median0s Mean0s Max0s Std0s Median.r Mean.r Mode0s
47967876 1 1.444444444 3 0.726483157 1 1 1
47967959 1 1.181818182 2 0.404519917 1 1 1
47967961 9 9 12 2.581988897 9 9 12


subspecies island site_name subject_group image_name subject_id presence_absence count_male-lek count_male-no-lek count_others count_partial count_total quality condition comment
A. c. trillmichi Santa Fe El Miedo SFM1 SFM01-2-2-2_282.jpg 47969795 Y 0 2 0 2 2 Good Hard
A. c. trillmichi Santa Fe El Miedo SFM1 SFM01-2-2-1_344.jpg 47969531 Y 0 2 2 1 4 Good Hard not consider number 4 marked in the image
A. c. trillmichi Santa Fe El Miedo SFM1 SFM01-2-2-2_270.jpg 47969760 Y 0 0 0 1 0 Good Hard

It results in csv files with the clustering results and images with the marks and the clusters. The method_comparison.csv file contains the comparison between the clustering methods per image.

image_name subject_id count_total median_count mean_count mode_count users sum_annotations_count annotations_count dbscan_count_sil HDBSCAN_count
EGI08-2_78.jpg 72333835 1 1.0 1.00 1 12 12 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] 1 1
FMO03-1_65.jpg 72338628 5 4.0 3.42 4 19 65 [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... 4 4
FMO03-1_72.jpg 72338635 4 3.0 2.65 4 20 53 [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, ... 3 4


Running the notebook requires setting some variables

from pathlib import Path

input_path =Path("/Users/christian/data/zooniverse")

reprocess = True # if True, the raw classification data is reprocessed. If False, the data is loaded from disk

# Phase Selection
phase_tag = "Iguanas 1st launch"
# phase_tag = "Iguanas 2nd launch"
# phase_tag = "Iguanas 3rd launch"

debug = False # debugging with a smaller dataset
plot_diagrams = False # plot the diagrams to disk for the clustering methods
show_plots = False # show the plots in the notebook
user_threshold = None # in a number, filter records which have less than these user interactions.

Example 1




Example 2





Process to cluster marks set by Volunteers on zooniverse






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