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/ HyDiscord Public archive

A Hypixel Discord Bot that allows you to see Hypixel stats.


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HyDiscord is a bot that allows you to see Hypixel stats of many people and many things. With HyDiscord, you can see:

  • BedWars stats of a player
  • SkyWars stats of a player
  • UHC and SpeedUHC stats of a player
  • Duels stats of a player
  • Blitz Survival Games stats of a player
  • Build Battle stats of a player
  • Cops and Crims stats of a player
  • Crazy Walls stats of a player
  • Mega Walls stats of a player
  • Murder Mystery stats of a player
  • Smash Heroes stats of a player
  • TNT Games stats of a player
  • VampireZ stats of a player
  • Name history of a player
  • Social medias of a player
  • Player stats
  • Skin of a player
  • UUID of a player
  • Watchdog stats
  • Guild stats
  • and Server information

in this one Discord Bot!


[] = Required <> = Optional



Command Aliases Description Usage Example
h!player h!p, h!hypixel, h!h Shows general Hypixel stats of a player h!player [IGN] h!player cxntered
h!guild h!g Shows stats of a guild h!guild [Guild] h!guild Rebel
h!bedwars h!bw, h!b Shows BedWars stats of a player h!bedwars [IGN] h!bedwars cxntered
h!skywars h!sw, h!s Shows SkyWars stats of a player h!skywars [IGN] h!skywars cxntered
h!duels h!d Shows Duels stats of a player h!duels [Mode] [IGN] h!duels classic cxntered
h!link h!verify Allows you to link your Minecraft account to Discord h!link [IGN] h!link cxntered
h!unlink h!unverify Allows you to unlink your Minecraft account from your Discord h!unlink h!unlink
h!uhc Shows UHC stats of a player h!uhc [IGN] h!uhc cxntered
h!speeduhc h!suhc Shows SpeedUHC stats of a player h!speeduhc [IGN] h!speeduhc cxntered
h!blitzsurvivalgames h!bsg, h!blitz, h!survivalgames, h!sg Shows Blitz Survival Games stats of a player h!blitzsurvivalgames [IGN] h!blitzsurvivalgames cxntered
h!buildbattle h!bb, h!build Shows Build Battle stats of a player h!buildbattle [IGN] h!buildbattle cxntered
h!copsandcrims h!c&c, h!cac, h!cvc, h!cops, h!crims Shows Cops and Crims stats of a player h!copsandcrims [IGN] h!copsandcrims cxntered
h!crazywalls h!cw Shows Crazy Walls stats of a player h!crazywalls [IGN] h!crazywalls cxntered
h!megawalls h!mw Shows Mega Walls stats of a player h!megawalls [IGN] h!megawalls cxntered
h!murdermystery h!mm, h!murder, h!mystery Shows Murder Mystery stats of a player h!murdermystery [IGN] h!murdermystery cxntered
h!smashheroes h!sh, h!smash Shows Smash Heroes stats of a player h!smashheroes [IGN] h!smashheroes cxntered
h!tntgames h!tnt Shows all TNT Games stats of a player h!tntgames [IGN] h!tntgames cxntered
h!vampirez h!vz, h!vampire, h!vampires, h!vampz Shows VampireZ stats of a player h!vampirez [IGN] h!vampirez cxntered
h!watchdog h!wdr Shows general Watchdog stats h!watchdog h!watchdog
h!socials Shows a player's social medias h!socials [IGN] h!socials cxntered


Command Aliases Description Usage Example
h!namehistory h!nh, h!names Shows name history of a player h!namehistory [IGN] h!namehistory cxntered
h!uuid Shows player's UUID h!uuid [IGN] h!uuid cxntered
h!skin Shows player's skin and lets you apply it h!skin [IGN] h!skin cxntered
h!server h!ip Shows information about server h!server [IP] h!server


Command Aliases Description Usage Example
h!help h!commands, h!commandlist Shows you a list of commands, and gives you further information about those commands h!help h!help
h!info Shows info about HyDiscord h!info h!info
h!members Shows you the current member count of the server you're in h!members h!members
h!ping Sends a little "Pong!" along with the time it took from when you sent the command to the message being sent h!ping h!ping
h!links h!invite Sends you links related to HyDiscord h!links h!links
h!vote Sends you a link to vote for HyDiscord on h!vote h!vote
h!clear h!purge Deletes as many messages as you specify (Up to 100, and messages older than 14 days can't be deleted) h!clear [1-100] h!clear 10
h!ban Bans a member you specify h!ban [@User] h!ban @cxntered
h!kick Kicks a member you specify h!kick [@User] h!kick @cxntered
h!suggest h!suggestion, h!suggestfeature Lets you suggest a feature to be added to HyDiscord h!suggest [Suggestion] h!suggest Add verification!
h!coinflip h!cf Flips a coin h!coinflip h!coinflip
h!rng h!random Picks a random number between two numbers you choose h!rng [Minimum] [Maximum] h!rng 1 10

How was HyDiscord made?

HyDiscord was made using node.js, discord.js, Hypixel-API-Reborn and node-fetch.

How do I run it myself?

NOTE: Please do not simply change a few lines in the source code and call it your bot! Please credit HyDiscord/cxntered.

  1. Create a Discord Developer Application here
  2. Create an application, then go to the Bot section and click "Add Bot"
  3. Copy the token and save it somewhere


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Download Node.js here (Download the latest version)
  3. Set up MongoDB locally, (you might have to modify a bit of code since I coded it with MongoDB Atlas in mind) or, if you don't know how to do setup MongoDB you can follow the MongoDB Atlas setup guide
  4. Navigate to the repository in a terminal. (most terminals use cd to change directory)
  5. Run npm i in the terminal.
  6. Open the project in a text editor. (such as VS Code or Notepad++)
  7. Add your token, your API Key and your URI to .env in the utils folder (you can get your API Key by logging onto and running /api new)
  8. Run node . in a terminal.

HyDiscord should now be running.


If you have trouble with the bot, you can either open an issue on GitHub or join the HyDiscord server here.


Please refer to the project's license.


HyDiscord is in no way affiliated with Hypixel Inc. or Hypixel Studios.