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@cybercussion cybercussion released this 21 May 18:44
· 102 commits to master since this release

Within both SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 the specifications left it open to how a Platform would behave in both 'review' and 'browse' modes. Past customers did not want students changing answers in review mode, and commonly in browse mode, you are looking at something not assigned to you. Regardless, SCORM calls it out the following way -

  • Normal - meant this was a tracked attempt. LMS usage is required to put '' as 'credit' or 'no-credit'.
  • Browse - meant that you were looking at something not assigned to you without the intent of it being recorded. LMS usage is required to put '' as 'no-credit'.
  • Review - meant that you or a teacher was reviewing a scored attempt without the intent of it being recorded. LMS usage is required to put '' as 'no-credit'.

So this modification will allow Set Value calls to make it past SCOBot Content API without it stopping the requests as it did in prior versions. It will however, continue to warn you the devleoper in the logs if this occurs.

There are rammifications to this issue outside of the SCO. Had you been disabling user input in 'review' mode for example, certain platforms like Moodle launches your prior suspended attempt in 'review' mode. This would make it hard to continue to answer questions had you built your content out like that.

Also allowing answers to be changed after they are submitted gets dicy. Again, the platform can choose to ignore the SetValue requests but its something to watch out for.