This repo implemented support for running WRFHydro 5.x model on HPC resources via CyberGIS-Compute V2.
Model developers who may want to contribute other models to CyberGIS-Compute can use this repo as an example.
For end-users can refer to the exampe notebook here: Open demo notebook with CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW) HERE if you have a Hydroshare account or Here to view the resource on Hydroshare
Supported HPCs are listed by key "supported_hpc" and default HPC by key "default_hpc";
The key "slurm_input_rules" lists ranges and limits of different slurm flags will be shown to end-users with SDK GUI; For a full list of avaiable keys see
The key "pre_processing_stage", "execution_stage" and "post_processing_stage" specify the commands (and scripts) to run in preprocessing, model execution and postprocessing stages;
The key "container" lists the singularity container to use on HPC (placed on HPC already);
Other kyes for metadata: "name", "description", "estimated_runtime"
The "param_rules" section contains model-specific parameters: "Model_Version" is the tag/release/commit id/branch of the WRFHydro repo; "LSM_Type" is the land surface model to use;
This script git clons the WRFHydro repo and checks out the specific version. It then applies Compile-Time configurations on top of the code base and compiles the codes on the fly. It also applies Run-Time configurations and Model Data to the "Simulation" folder.
This script simpily navigate to the "Simulation" folder and call the executable binary "WRFHydro.exe"
This script is just a place holder for future extension.
This folder contains the dockerfile that builds the WRFHydro environment image and a singlarity DEF script that importes the docker image and converts to singularity container.