Releases: cybergis/cybergis-toolkit
Releases · cybergis/cybergis-toolkit
CyberGIS Toolkit v0.71-beta
Release Notes
This release includes the following changes:
- In KDE, a bug reported in #1 is fixed.
- In TauDEM, the most recent version accelerated for scalable and fast flow direction functions (d8 and dinf) is released.
- In TauDEM, block-wise decomposition is implemented for all TauDEM functions except d8, dinf, and streamnet.
CyberGIS Toolkit v0.7-beta
Release Notes
This version of CyberGIS Toolkit includes the following new and improved features:
- TauDEM: The Linux-based multi-file strategy for large DEM processing; improved numerical performance.
- Parallel PySAL: more pPySAL methods are included in the release directory.
- pRasterBlaster: support of input raster formats supported by GDAL; more resampling methods are added (bilinear, bicubic).
- gKDE (new): a multiple-GPU version of the kernel density estimation (KDE) method.
- mapalgebra (new): a collection of parallel computing approaches to map algebra.
- SPTW (new): a geotiff library that supports parallel write of output raster using MPI IO.