Bundling acmetool.
mkdir -p /my/acme/conf
wget -O /my/acme/conf/responses https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hlandau/acme/master/_doc/response-file.yaml
# Edit /my/acme/conf/responses file according to your needs
cat <<EOF > /my/acme/desired/my.example.com-desire
- example.com # The names you want on the certificate.
- www.example.com
provider: # ACME Directory URL. Normally set in conf/target only.
ocsp-must-staple: true # Request OCSP Must Staple. Use with care.
webroot-paths: # You can specify custom webroot paths.
- /var/www
http-ports: # You can specify different ports for proxying.
- 123 # Defaults to listening on localhost.
- 456
- # Global listen.
http-self-test: false # Defaults to true. If false, will not perform self-test
# but will assume challenge can be completed. Rarely needed.
env: # Optionally set environment variables to be passed to hooks.
key: # What sort of key will be used for this certificate?
type: rsa|ecdsa
rsa-size: 2048
ecdsa-curve: nistp256
id: krzh2akn... # If specified, the key ID to use to generate new certificates.
# If not specified, a new private key will always be generated.
# Useful for key pinning.
priority: 0
# Make sure you lower the file permission of this file
# because it contains sensitive information.
docker run --rm -v /my/acme:/var/lib/acme cyon/acmetool:latest
docker run --rm -v /my/acme:/var/lib/acme cyon/acmetool:latest -- --xlog.severity=debug
The live folder always contains all the certificates, chains and keys. A reissue of the certificate will update the certificate and chain files.
$ tree /my/acme/live/my.example.com
> live/my.example.com
> ├── cert
> ├── chain
> ├── fullchain
> ├── privkey -> ../../keys/s4cy32o8kaucxkb37k9kajkq7atof8x0/privkey
> └── url
> 0 directories, 5 files
If you want to share the certificates and keys between containers it's best to create a named Data Volume Container. The volume destination inside the container is '/var/lib/acme'.
docker create --name acmetool cyon/acmetool:latest echo "Data-only container for acmetool hook"
# Run once to create all the acmetool state folders
docker run --rm --volumes-from acmetool cyon/acmetool:latest
docker cp responses acmetool:/var/lib/acme/conf/
docker cp my.example.com-desire acmetool:/var/lib/acme/desired/
docker run --rm --volumes-from acmetool cyon/acmetool:latest
docker run --volumes-from acmetool:ro --name nginx-with-acme-certs -d nginx