A Customable TextField for starling with 1 DrawCall.
- Using BitmapFont along with custom icon (
) - Change color inline (html style) (
- Right to Left (RTL) format.
- The texture for BitmapFont and Icon must be in the same TextureAtlas
- Use the Python executeable helper in helper folder to make a .fnt and IconID.as Class from icons.xml file
- Then finally place the file to bin folder. File that needed : font.png, font.xml, icons.fnt, [any font].fnt .
❗ in icons.fnt file,size
attribute must follow the Main font attribute ❗❗ in Starling 1.x version,
Class must implementITextCompositor
Source Example
var fontAtlas:TextureAtlas = assetManager.getTextureAtlas("font");
var textMeshFont:TextMeshFont = new TextMeshFont(fontAtlas.getTexture("poetsen"), assetManager.getXml("poetsen"));
textMeshFont.parseIconFontXml(fontAtlas.getTexture("icons"), assetManager.getXml("icons"),"poetsen");
// Starling 1.x
TextMesh.registerBitmapFont(textMeshFont, "poetsen");
// Starling 2.x
TextMesh.registerCompositor(textMeshFont, "poetsen");
var text:String = "This is a banana (" + IconID.getIcons("banana") + ")\n" +
"Can using hardcode too. eg:<sprite=1>\n" +
"<color=#ff0000>This text is red color</color> and " +
"<#00ff00>this is green text with different tag</color>\n" +
"<#0000ff> this text will be blue till end" +
// Starling 1.x
var textField:TextMesh = new TextMesh(1024, 400, text , "poetsen", 46, 0xffffff);
// Starling 2.x
var textField:TextMesh = new TextMesh(1024, 400, text , new TextFormat("poetsen", 46, 0xffffff));
textField.x = 512;
textField.y = 200;
text = "Original Text";
// Starling 1.x
var textField:TextMesh = new TextMesh(1024, 200, text , "poetsen", 46, 0xffffff);
// Starling 2.x
var textField:TextMesh = new TextMesh(1024, 400, text , new TextFormat("poetsen", 46, 0xffffff));
textField.x = 512;
textField.y = 400;
// Right to Left
text = "Original Text";
// Starling 1.x
var textField:TextMesh = new TextMesh(1024, 200, text , "poetsen", 46, 0xffffff, false, true);
// Starling 2.x
var textField:TextMesh = new TextMesh(1024, 400, text , new TextFormat("poetsen", 46, 0xffffff), true);
textField.x = 512;
textField.y = 500;
- Multiple Font
- Multiple Font Size
Any Suggestion or facing a problem or want to contribute, can ask me at [email protected]