This module is reponsible of installing common dependencies.rb as an artifact avoiding each module to have it's own dependency file and inturn using same set of libraries across Intalio modules.
All modules should load dependencies from this module instead of loading thier specific dependencies.rb.
This implementation is done in K2 release.
- Checkout the current branch of this module.
- Find all the files in the module where dependencies.rb is included
- Replace the line where dependencies.rb is included in component modules with the following lines
DEPENDENCIES = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.m2/repository/org/intalio/common/dependencies/#{DP_VERSION_NUMBER}/dependencies-#{DP_VERSION_NUMBER}.rb"
unless ENV["M2_REPO"] != ''
DEPENDENCIES = "#{ENV['M2_REPO']}/org/intalio/common/dependencies/#{DP_VERSION_NUMBER}/dependencies-#{DP_VERSION_NUMBER}.rb"
- Set M2_Repo environment variable if the Maven reposiroty is not in the home path.
For Linux on command line:export M2_Repo ="maven repository path"
For Windows on command line :set M2_Repo ="maven repository path"
Build bpms_build_module with jruby 1.6.7
Build the component module with jruby 1.6.7.
This module is currently tested with Tempo component.