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Various imrpovements to the CIA builder
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d0k3 committed Nov 13, 2016
1 parent 8a2ba0a commit adbbbee
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 54 deletions.
165 changes: 111 additions & 54 deletions source/decryptor/game.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,19 @@ u32 SdFolderSelector(char* path, u8* keyY, bool title_select)
if (n_dirs == 0) {
Debug("No valid SD data found");
return 1;
} else { // sort the dir list
bool swapped;
do {
swapped = false;
for (u32 i = 0; i < n_dirs - 1; i++) {
if (strncmp(dirptr[i], dirptr[i+1], 256) > 0) {
char* swap = dirptr[i];
dirptr[i] = dirptr[i+1];
dirptr[i+1] = swap;
swapped = true;
} while (swapped);

// let the user choose a directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,32 +333,37 @@ u32 CryptNcch(const char* filename, u32 offset, u32 size, u64 seedId, u8* encryp

// check / setup seed crypto
if (usesSeedCrypto) {
if (FileOpen("seeddb.bin")) {
u8 seed[16];
u32 found = 0;
if (FindSeedInSeedSave(seed, seedId) == 0) { // try loading from NAND
Debug("Loading seed from NAND: ok");
found = 1;
} else if (FileOpen("seeddb.bin")) { // try loading from seeddb.bin
SeedInfoEntry* entry = (SeedInfoEntry*) buffer;
u32 found = 0;
for (u32 i = 0x10;; i += 0x20) {
if (FileRead(entry, 0x20, i) != 0x20)
if (entry->titleId == seedId) {
u8 keydata[32];
memcpy(keydata, ncch->signature, 16);
memcpy(keydata + 16, entry->external_seed, 16);
u8 sha256sum[32];
sha_quick(sha256sum, keydata, 32, SHA256_MODE);
memcpy(seedKeyY, sha256sum, 16);
memcpy(seed, entry->external_seed, 16);
Debug("Loading seed from seeddb.bin: ok");
found = 1;
if (!found) {
Debug("Seed not found in seeddb.bin!");
return 1;
if (found) {
u8 keydata[32];
memcpy(keydata, ncch->signature, 16);
memcpy(keydata + 16, seed, 16);
u8 sha256sum[32];
sha_quick(sha256sum, keydata, 32, SHA256_MODE);
memcpy(seedKeyY, sha256sum, 16);
} else {
Debug("Need seeddb.bin for seed crypto!");
Debug("Seed not found in seeddb.bin or NAND!");
Debug("Try updating your seeddb.bin");
return 1;
Debug("Loading seed from seeddb.bin: ok");

// basic setup of CryptBufferInfo structs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -611,22 +629,21 @@ u32 CryptCia(const char* filename, u8* ncch_crypt, bool cia_encrypt, bool cxi_on
if (!untouched && (result == 0)) {
// recalculate content info hashes
Debug("Recalculating TMD hashes...");
for (u32 i = 0, kc = 0; i < 64 && kc < content_count; i++) {
TmdContentInfo* cntinfo = tmd->contentinfo + i;
u32 k = getbe16(cntinfo->cmd_count);
sha_quick(cntinfo->hash, content_list + kc, k * sizeof(TmdContentChunk), SHA256_MODE);
kc += k;
sha_quick(tmd->contentinfo_hash, (u8*)tmd->contentinfo, 64 * sizeof(TmdContentInfo), SHA256_MODE);

if (untouched) {
Debug((cia_encrypt) ? "CIA is already encrypted" : "CIA is not encrypted");
} else if (n_processed > 0) {
// recalculate content info hashes
Debug("Recalculating TMD hashes...");
for (u32 i = 0, kc = 0; i < 64 && kc < content_count; i++) {
TmdContentInfo* cntinfo = tmd->contentinfo + i;
u32 k = getbe16(cntinfo->cmd_count);
sha_quick(cntinfo->hash, content_list + kc, k * sizeof(TmdContentChunk), SHA256_MODE);
kc += k;
sha_quick(tmd->contentinfo_hash, (u8*)tmd->contentinfo, 64 * sizeof(TmdContentInfo), SHA256_MODE);
// write ticket / tmd
if (!FileOpen(filename)) // already checked this file
return 1;
if (!DebugFileWrite(buffer, cia.size_ticktmd, cia.offset_ticktmd))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1152,6 +1169,7 @@ u32 ConvertNcsdNcchToCia(u32 param)
continue; // skip NAND backup NCSDs

n_failed++; // this will be set back upon completion
Debug("Converting to CIA: %s", path + path_len);

// build the CIA stub
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1353,7 +1371,6 @@ u32 DecryptSdFilesDirect(u32 param)

u32 ConvertSdToCia(u32 param)
(void) (param); // param is unused here
char* filelist = (char*) 0x20400000;
u8 movable_keyY[16] = { 0 };
char titlepath[256];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1429,40 +1446,67 @@ u32 ConvertSdToCia(u32 param)
CiaInfo cia;
GetCiaInfo(&cia, (CiaHeader*) stub);
tmd = (TitleMetaData*) (stub + cia.offset_tmd);
content_list = (TmdContentChunk*) (tmd + 1);

// search for proper ticket
u32 t_offset, t_size;
bool tik_found = false;
bool tik_legit = false;
PartitionInfo* ctrnand_info = GetPartitionInfo(P_CTRNAND);
Ticket* ticket = (Ticket*) (stub + cia.offset_ticket);
Debug("Searching for proper ticket...");
if (SeekFileInNand(&t_offset, &t_size, "DBS TICKET DB ", ctrnand_info) == 0) {
for (u32 offset = 0; (offset < t_size) && !tik_found; offset += BUFFER_MAX_SIZE - (2 * NAND_SECTOR_SIZE)) {
for (u32 offset = 0; (offset < t_size) && !tik_legit; offset += BUFFER_MAX_SIZE - (2 * NAND_SECTOR_SIZE)) {
const u8 sig_type[4] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04 };
u32 read_bytes = min(BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, (t_size - offset));
ShowProgress(offset, t_size);
if (DecryptNandToMem(buffer, t_offset + offset, read_bytes, ctrnand_info) != 0)
for (u32 i = 0x140; (i < read_bytes - 0x210) && !tik_found; i++) {
for (u32 i = 0x140; (i < read_bytes - 0x210) && !tik_legit; i++) {
if ((memcmp(buffer + i, (u8*) "Root-CA00000003-XS0000000c", 26) == 0) &&
(memcmp(buffer + i - 0x140, sig_type, 4) == 0)) {
// u32 consoleId = getle32(buffer + i + 0x98);
u8* titleId = buffer + i + 0x9C;
if (memcmp(titleId, ticket->title_id, 8) == 0) {
Debug("Found ticket, injecting...");
memcpy(ticket, buffer + i - 0x140, sizeof(Ticket));
memset(ticket->console_id, 0, 4); // zero out console id
memset(ticket->eshop_id, 0, 4); // zero out eshop id
tik_found = true;
tik_legit = true;

if (!tik_found) {
if (!tik_legit)
Debug("Ticket not found, skipped");
} else { // setup slot 0x11 for titlekey crypto

// wipe console unique info
if (getbe32(ticket->console_id) || getbe32(ticket->eshop_id)) {
Debug("Console unique info found, wiping...");
memset(ticket->console_id, 0, 4); // zero out console id
memset(ticket->eshop_id, 0, 4); // zero out eshop id
memset(ticket->ticket_id, 0, 8); // zero out ticket id

// not (no more?) a legit ticket
if (!getbe64(ticket->ticket_id))
tik_legit = false;

// not a legit ticket or decrypted param, no need to reencrypt
if (!tik_legit || (param & GC_CIA_DEEP)) {
u32 content_count = getbe16(tmd->content_count);
if (!tik_legit && !(param & GC_CIA_DEEP))
Debug("Ticket not legit, disabling reencrypt...");
for (u32 c = 0; c < content_count; c++)
content_list[c].type[1] &= (0xFF^0x1);
for (u32 i = 0, kc = 0; i < 64 && kc < content_count; i++) {
TmdContentInfo* cntinfo = tmd->contentinfo + i;
u32 k = getbe16(cntinfo->cmd_count);
sha_quick(cntinfo->hash, content_list + kc, k * sizeof(TmdContentChunk), SHA256_MODE);
kc += k;
sha_quick(tmd->contentinfo_hash, (u8*)tmd->contentinfo, 64 * sizeof(TmdContentInfo), SHA256_MODE);
} else { // setup slot 0x11 for titlekey crypto
TitleKeyEntry titlekeyEntry;
memcpy(titlekeyEntry.titleId, ticket->title_id, 8);
memcpy(titlekeyEntry.titleKey, ticket->titlekey, 16);
Expand All @@ -1479,64 +1523,76 @@ u32 ConvertSdToCia(u32 param)

// inject content file(s)
u32 c = 0;
u32 next_offset = stub_size;
u32 content_count = getbe16(tmd->content_count);
for (u32 i = 0; i < content_count; i++) {
u32 id = getbe32(content_list[i].id);
u32 size = (u32) getbe64(content_list[i].size);
for (c = 0; c < content_count; c++) {
u32 id = getbe32(content_list[c].id);
u32 size = (u32) getbe64(content_list[c].size);
u32 offset = next_offset;
next_offset = offset + size;
snprintf(filename, 16, "/", id);
Debug("Injecting content id %08lX (%lu kB)...", id, size / 1024);
if (!FileOpen(titlepath)) {
Debug("Content not found");
if (FileInjectTo(ciapath, 0, offset, size, false, buffer, BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) != size) {
Debug("Content has bad size");
Debug("Decrypting content id %08lX...", id);
Debug("Decrypting content id %08lX (SD)...", id);
GetSdCtr(info.ctr, subpath);
if (CryptSdToSd(ciapath, offset, size, &info, false) != 0) {
Debug("Failed decrypting content");
if (param & GC_CIA_DEEP) {
Debug("Decrypting content id %08lX (NCCH)...", id);
if (CryptNcch(ciapath, offset, size, 0, NULL) == 1) {
Debug("Failed decrypting content");
if (c < content_count)
continue; // error, skip the remaing steps

// finalize the CIA file
Debug("Finalizing CIA file...");
if (FinalizeCiaFile(ciapath, true) != 0) {
if (FinalizeCiaFile(ciapath, !(param & GC_CIA_DEEP)) != 0) {

next_offset = stub_size;
for (u32 i = 0; i < content_count; i++) {
if (content_list[i].type[1] & 0x1) { // redo titlekey crypto (because hashes & signatures)
u32 id = getbe32(content_list[i].id);
u32 size = (u32) getbe64(content_list[i].size);
for (c = 0; c < content_count; c++) {
if (content_list[c].type[1] & 0x1) { // redo titlekey crypto (because hashes & signatures)
u32 id = getbe32(content_list[c].id);
u32 size = (u32) getbe64(content_list[c].size);
u32 offset = next_offset;
next_offset = offset + size;
CryptBufferInfo info_tk = {.setKeyY = 0, .keyslot = 0x11, .mode = AES_CNT_TITLEKEY_ENCRYPT_MODE};
memset(info_tk.ctr, 0x00, 16);
memcpy(info_tk.ctr, content_list[i].index, 2);
memcpy(info_tk.ctr, content_list[c].index, 2);
Debug("Reencrypting content id %08lX...", id);
if (CryptSdToSd(ciapath, offset, size, &info_tk, false) != 0) {
Debug("Failed encrypting content");
if (c < content_count)
continue; // error, skip the remaing steps


if (n_processed) {
if (n_processed || n_failed) {
Debug("%ux generated / %ux failed", n_processed, n_failed);
} else {
Debug("No usable content found");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1617,7 +1673,7 @@ u32 DecryptSdToCxi(u32 param)
// check for empty content list
if (!getbe16(tmd->content_count)) {
Debug("Content list is empty"); // won't happen
return 1;

// copy first content
Expand All @@ -1627,12 +1683,12 @@ u32 DecryptSdToCxi(u32 param)
Debug("Copying content id %08lX (%lu kB)...", id, size / 1024);
if (!FileOpen(titlepath)) {
Debug("Content not found");
return 1;
if (FileCopyTo(cxipath, buffer, BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) != size) {
Debug("Content has bad size");
return 1;

Expand All @@ -1641,19 +1697,20 @@ u32 DecryptSdToCxi(u32 param)
GetSdCtr(info.ctr, subpath);
if (CryptSdToSd(cxipath, 0, size, &info, false) != 0) {
Debug("Failed decrypting content");
return 1;

// NCCH decryption
Debug("Decrypting (NCCH) content id %08lX...", id);
CryptNcch(cxipath, 0, size, 0, NULL);
if (CryptNcch(cxipath, 0, size, 0, NULL) == 1)


if (n_processed) {
if (n_processed || n_failed) {
Debug("%ux generated / %ux failed", n_processed, n_failed);
} else {
Debug("No usable content found");
Expand Down

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